Perfect Fit

Free Perfect Fit by Naima Simone

Book: Perfect Fit by Naima Simone Read Free Book Online
Authors: Naima Simone
his sensitive shaft. “Don’t try to leave again, Rowyn,” he murmured, voice hoarse with lust and a fierce need that had nothing to do with his cock and everything to do with his heart. “I won’t let you go again.”
    And with that promise thrown between them, he proceeded to make love to her, branding her as she’d already done to him.
    “Thank you.” Rowyn nodded as she accepted the glass of champagne from the server. God, she hated these tedious parties. She lifted the drink to her lips and sipped, not in the mood for the alcohol or the social event. She would have preferred to remain locked up in Darius’s hotel room with him. Or over him. Under him.
    A small smile curved her lips. She hid it behind the rim of her glass, but nothing could suppress the warmth that unfurled in her belly. The last two days had been…magical. From walking among the shops of Boston hand in hand to the hours of hot sex—no. Not sex. Making love.
    For her, she’d made love last night and this morning. In one afternoon, Darius knew her like no other person. His compassion and kindness had rubbed balm over the wounds in her soul, and his touch had conveyed how special he found her. Rowyn had felt beautiful. Even…loved.
    She slammed the mental brakes and skidded all over the road called “Happily Ever After.” One night—okay, two and a half days—didn’t make their ending a fairy tale. Let’s face it, she cautioned herself, I’ve known so little love, it would be a simple leap to confuse affection and great sex with something deeper. Don’t be a fool. Her smile dimmed. Pamela, her mother, couldn’t give her love. What made her think Darius would?
    “You look like you have the weight of the world on your shoulders,” Wanda said in lieu of greeting as she pressed her cheek to Rowyn’s. “Someone with champagne in her hand should not appear that serious.”
    Rowyn snorted. “I’m just answering the royal decree to attend this event. I have exactly”—she shot a discreet glance at her wrist—”one hour and forty-three minutes before I can leave.”
    “Come on, Ro,” her friend drawled. “One would think you weren’t excited to be here.” They stared at each other for a long second before snickering into their champagne glasses.
    “When did you get here?” Rowyn asked.
    “About fifteen minutes ago.” Wanda fell silent and, her brown-eyed gaze inscrutable, studied Rowyn. “I heard about the potential merger. And the women’s fashion division being the guinea pig.”
    Rowyn shrugged and forced a nonchalance she didn’t feel. That particular knife had yet to be yanked from her heart. “It’s Daniel’s company to run as he sees best.” The company line. And so much bullshit.
    “That’s bullshit,” Wanda snapped, echoing her thought. Her friend edged closer and lowered her voice, but the fury rang as clear as a bell. “He is your stepfather. There were other departments to consider and choose from. Departments almost as profitable too. I bet he didn’t even tell you what he’d planned.” At Rowyn’s silence, Wanda’s full lips thinned into an angry slash. “What an inconsiderate, conniving asshole.”
    “Inconsiderate, yes. But not conniving,” Rowyn contradicted and earned a glare for the effort.
    “You’re defending him?” The other woman’s voice dropped to an ominous level, and Rowyn smiled. To be championed was a rare occurrence, and her friend’s rage on Rowyn’s behalf felt…well…good.
    “No.” She shook her head. “I’m not defending him. But to call him conniving suggests he actually contemplated how I would feel and made a decision to be sneaky. Daniel didn’t even consider me in his decision. I was a nonfactor.”
    “That’s worse.” Wanda inhaled, held it, and released the breath in a slow, deliberate exhalation. “No,” she growled, “what’s worse is your bitchy sister making the rounds, spreading rumors that you slept with the businessman your

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