Swords: 09 - The Sixth Book Of Lost Swords - Mindsword's Story

Free Swords: 09 - The Sixth Book Of Lost Swords - Mindsword's Story by Fred Saberhagen

Book: Swords: 09 - The Sixth Book Of Lost Swords - Mindsword's Story by Fred Saberhagen Read Free Book Online
Authors: Fred Saberhagen
all his followers to attend him, he explained again, as openly and fairly as he could, his reasons for wanting to visit Princess Kristin. He maintained that his goals were just, and that reasonable people ought to be able to perceive them as such without the help of magic. Certainly he meant no harm to the Tasavaltans’ beloved Princess or to any of her subjects. Just the opposite, in fact, or he would not be bringing her this great Sword as a gift. This was the first time many of his new followers had learned the nature of his intended gift, and he saw that it made a strong impression.
           After he dismissed the meeting, the Crown Prince saw that Carlo was frowning again, and demanded to know what his son was thinking.
           “Nothing you have not heard before, Father.”
           “Then tell me again.”
           “I am worried,” Carlo said. “Worried by the idea of power such as the Mindsword’s being simply given away. If someone other than yourself possessed it, such magic could easily convince people to follow the wrong leader.”
           “I’m sure it could. But Princess Kristin is hardly an evil leader. And the Sword is mine, to do with as I will.”
           “Yes, of course, Father. But is it in your best interest to have such a treasure pass completely out of the family? The ruling family of Tasavalta are practically strangers to us. And how do we know that they will always want to behave in a friendly way toward us in Culm? In the wrong hands, your Sword’s magic might—thoroughly confuse people.”
           Murat took thought, and smiled. “Well, Carlo, as things have worked out, you and I are seldom in Culm anyway. I doubt that either of us has much future there. And I think what the Princess might choose to do with the Sword after she has it is beside the point. The point is that I owe her restitution for a great wrong, and I intend to give her this Sword to make up for the one I took away.”
           “As you say, Father,” agreed Carlo dutifully.
    * * *
           But, once out of his father’s sight, the son shook his head, still worrying. It did little good to keep telling himself that anything and everything his father did was right, and therefore Father must have a good reason for what he wanted to do with the Sword.
           “Are you troubled, young Master Carlo?” The old blind man, sitting as usual on the fringe of the camp, raised his sightless face as Carlo approached. Evidently the beggar had sensed that something was wrong.
           Carlo’s feet slowed and stopped. He sighed, wondering if the beggar had recognized him by the sound of his footsteps. He wished he could confide in someone.
           “Is there trouble, then, young Master, between you and your esteemed father?”
           “I don’t know,” answered Carlo soberly. “I hope not. No, I don’t really believe there’s any trouble.”
           “Something, perhaps, concerning the Sword he carries?”
           “Tell me, Metaxas—you say you have known the Princess—?”
           “Years ago,” returned the beggar cautiously.
           “Tell me, what is she really like? What would she do with the Sword of Glory if she were to possess it?”
           The old beggar heaved a wheezing sigh. Sounding worried, he suggested that it might be better if the Sword were not given to Kristin, nice lady though she was. Metaxas thought it would be much better, for all concerned, if the Crown Prince could be made to see that he should keep such a superb weapon for himself.
           “As long as the Sword of Glory rests in the noble hands of the Crown Prince, we can all feel safe. Whereas, in any other hands…” Shaking his head, Metaxas let his words trail off.
           “That is my own thought,” Carlo sighed in turn. “But how can I persuade my father to do anything?”
           “It is not for

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