Christmas Killing

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Book: Christmas Killing by Chrissie Loveday Read Free Book Online
Authors: Chrissie Loveday
usually a jolly sort of affair with prizes given to best performing staff over the year.
    ‘I’m really not sure. It’ll be quite a while after these murders have died down. I think it might cheer folks up at bit before Christmas. No, I think we should go ahead with it, unless there’s anything else awful happens of course.’
    ‘Whatever else could happen?’
    ‘That I do not know. But Miss Pringle would never forgive us. It’s the highlight of the year for her.’
    ‘You’re probably right.’
    ‘I’d better go back home now or I’ll be in trouble. The in-laws are over for Sunday lunch.’
    ‘Good luck buddy boy.’
    ‘Thanks. I’ll need it.’

    Chapter Eight
    The two detectives went back to the station soon after the Board Meeting broke up.
    ‘We still need to interview the delightful Kevin. Not an interview I relish very much.’
    ‘Let’s hope he’s a bit more amenable today. Do you think he could have done it? Either of the murders?’
    ‘I did think he was in the clear but now I’m not so sure. He doesn’t have an alibi now we know he definitely wasn’t nicking phones with his mates. He may have insisted he’d never visited this store but I somehow doubt that. I bet he did come to see where his girlfriend worked.’
    ‘Let’s get him into the interview room. See what he has to say.’ Ted went off to collect Kevin and Ray went to the interview room.
    ‘Sit down over there,’ Ray told him. ‘Interview started at two-fifteen, Sunday, thirteenth December, twenty fifteen. Detective Sergeant Ted Wilkes and Detective Chief Inspector Ray Jones present along with, give your name please.’
    ‘Kevin. Kevin Riley.’
    ‘Now then Kevin. Where were you on Wednesday afternoon. That is, December ninth.’ He looked away. ‘Come on. You said you were with your mates, nicking phones. You weren’t though, were you?’
    ‘If you say so.’
    ‘So, where were you?’
    ‘At ‘ome. Me Mum’ll say I was.’
    ‘Yes, I’m sure she would. Especially if you primed her to.’
    ‘Whatcha mean?’
    ‘Never mind. Come on now. Tell me where you were.’
    ‘No comment.’
    ‘Don’t start that line with me. I shall get very angry.’
    ‘No comment.’
    ‘Do you really want a solicitor? This is serious case, you realise.’
    ‘No co... yea. All right. Get me one.’
    ‘Do you know who is the duty solicitor?’ he asked Ted.
    ‘I’ll go and ask. It might take him a while to get here.’
    ‘In that case, I’m stopping this interview. Interview suspended at two-thirty-five.’ This was for the benefit of the recording machines.
    Ted went along to the desk to ask for a solicitor.
    ‘I’ll call him now. It’ll take half an hour or so before he’ll get here. Who’s it for?’
    ‘Kevin Riley.’
    ‘Oh dear. Does that mean he’s guilty?’
    ‘I really don’t know. Maybe. Maybe he’s just getting a bit scared.’
    The officer’s phone rang. He answered it and called Ted back.
    ‘Will you speak to Kevin’s brother? He sounds rather upset. His name’s Malcolm.’
    ‘Okay. Give me the phone. Hallo? Mr Riley? This is Detective Sergeant Wilkes. How can I help?’
    ‘Have you still got my brother there?’
    ‘Well, yes.’
    ‘Can I speak to him?’
    ‘I’m sorry but no. He’s under investigation at this moment.’
    ‘I’ll under investigate him. Little bastard. He’s left my place in a tip and has drunk most of what was left in the place.’ Ted gave a grin.
    ‘I understand your anguish sir. We had to collect him from your house this morning. He was there with a group of friends.’
    ‘Friends be damned. I’ll bloody kill him. When can I see him?’
    ‘I’m not sure sir. It depends on whether we charge him or not.’
    ‘When will you know?’
    ‘I’m not sure, sir. We can give you a call when we’ve finished with him. Later this evening, if that helps.’
    ‘I suppose so. My number is 07932 687045.’ Ted wrote it down.
    ‘Right you are sir.’
    ‘Thanks. Tell him

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