Three Weddings and a Dress

Free Three Weddings and a Dress by Mary Martinez

Book: Three Weddings and a Dress by Mary Martinez Read Free Book Online
Authors: Mary Martinez
Tags: General Fiction
and now the process was in motion.
    “It’s too late now to change your mind.” Fanny pushed her a bit from behind. “Come on, we’re meeting Joy at your new apartment to drop off the luggage, then lunch.”
    “I don’t want to change my mind. I like my new name.”
    Fanny gave a bark of a laugh as they stepped from the building to the sidewalk. “Somehow I doubt the jilted fiancé will appreciate the joke.”
    “It’s not a joke.” Cecelia wanted to protest more because using the name wasn’t what Fanny thought.
    Her new surname was a symbol of her growth as a person. She thought her ex-groom would someday understand.
    Fanny shook her head. “No more discussion until we meet up with the others. Then you can tell them and we’ll see what they have to say.”
    “Okay, but I bet they appreciate it.”
    Fanny didn’t smile, just began walking south. “It’s a nice day and not that far to Whitehall.”
    “Sounds good to walk.” Linking her arm through her friend’s, she cleared her mind to enjoy the day.
    There was still the surprise for her mother and Mrs. Evans, and the bank to get through. She had a good feeling all would work out.
    “Where have you two been?” Skye screeched when they finally reached the building.
    Fanny let out a ragged breath. “We decided to walk.”
    “You’re kidding, do you know how far that is?” Joy asked.
    “We do now.” Cecelia let out a ragged bit of air of her own.
    For the second time that day, she blessed the fact she’d worn sensible shoes. Her feet had to have at least three blisters she knew of without taking off her shoes. She didn’t want to consider how many others might be breaking out.
    “Let’s get these bags in the apartment. And go over the rest of the plan,” Joy said. She nodded a greeting to the doorman who helped them with their burdens to the elevator.
    Cecelia directed the doorman where to stash the bags. “Skye, I have everything figured for spending. I didn’t think about furniture. Tomorrow while all of you are stuck waiting for me at the church. I will be free to shop.”
    “I only shop at second hand stores.” Skye nodded at the others. “You guys?”
    A chorus of “Yeses” echoed around the bare room.
    “From now on I will too. I have a lot in savings. I can’t afford to assume I’ll be able to support myself before the money runs out. Frugal is my new middle name.”
    “Yeah, I saw the F. on the documents.” Fanny replied her tone dry as toast.
    “You’re shittin’ me.” Joy gasped in horror.
    “Yes, she is. Come on, let’s find a place to eat I’m starved. I’ll tell you all about the name then.” All the others filed into the hall toward the elevator. Cecie paused. Too bad, she couldn’t just start her life now.
    Seated for lunch, they’d all given their orders. Apparently, Fanny was ready to end everyone’s suspense even if she wasn’t.
    “Tell them.”   
    Rae placed her water glass she’d been about to sip, back to the table with a tiny rap. “Tell us what?”
    “Her new name, you are not going to believe it.” Fanny folded her arms over her chest and glared at Cecelia.
    The waitress arrived to give Cecelia a reprieve and set their Cosmo’s on the table. The drinks were Skye’s idea, she said it would prepare them for the coming evening. They’d all have to give academy performances at the rehearsal dinner.
    After the young woman left promising to be back in a few minutes with their salads, Rae raised her glass. “To all of the BFFs and the pact to watch each other’s back.”
    The sound of glass clinking together sent a shiver of anticipation down Cecelia’s spine. It was a good premonition. She knew, though she didn’t know how, her plan would work.
    “Tell.” Joy delicately bumped the table with her glass.
    “My new name is…” It was too much fun to draw out the suspense. Of course, after Fanny’s build up it would be a letdown. That wasn’t her fault.
    “Come on.” Rae squinted her

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