The Reluctant Rancher

Free The Reluctant Rancher by Patricia Mason, Joann Baker

Book: The Reluctant Rancher by Patricia Mason, Joann Baker Read Free Book Online
Authors: Patricia Mason, Joann Baker
Tags: Romance
mountain streams.   They saw the wide valley and knew that dark, rich soil lay buried beneath the snow.   There was plenty of water and enough room for a man to breathe.   Weary and worn, they decided to stay. ”   Joseph encased the whole valley before him with one sweep of his hand.
    “ To celebrate their new home, the women cooked up the last of their flour and the men went hunting.   Every man, woman , and child feasted on biscuits, honey , and wild game.   With their bellies full and the fires burning bright and warm, the men tuned up their musical instruments and broke out their stash of corn liquor.   One man drank and played his fiddle so long that he passed out dead center of the frozen creek.   By the time he woke up the next day, there was no land left for the poor fellow to claim except a small portion next to the creek.   And that’s how the town got its name. ”   He folded his arms across his chest, a smug smile on his face.
    “ That’s it? ” Joseph had told the same tale she’d heard time and time again from all the local residents - the exact same story printed on the brochures that the Chamber of Commerce passed out during the summer months.   L uke rewarded her silence with a mouthed thank you, which Mary savored for the rem a inder of the trip.
    Once in town, Luke parked the truck in front of a large brick building that served as the town’s city hall.   As soon as the truck stopped, Joseph made a beeline across the street to a group of men gathered outside the feed and grain store.
    “ We’re a little early. ”   Luke put out a hand to stop Mary when she started to exit . “ Do you need to do anything before Grandpa’s appointment? ”
    She nodded. “ I need to get my car from the garage.   Jennifer called yesterday and said Eddie had it ready. ”
    “ Afraid you’re going to be stuck at the ranch without a way to leave?   Missing the bright lights already? ”   His tone was harsh and she saw the glitter of anger in the green depths of his eyes.
    “ No, ” she replied stiffly, hurt that he would think something like that after their interlude in the barn. Was he afraid she didn’t like the ranch, didn’t like him?   Little did he know! “ I’m happy at the Circle T, Luke.   And your grandfather’s been a doll of a patient. ”
    “ I’m glad to hear that, Mary.   Real glad. ”   He gave her one of his rare smiles and her heart flipped over in her chest.   His fingertips trailed along the underside of her jaw and his head bent closer. He was going to kiss her .
    A sharp tap on the passenger side window jerked them guiltily apart.   “ Hey, you two,   I’m going over to Smitty’s.   I’ll meet you at Doc Logan’s later. ”
    “ That’s fine, Grandpa.   We’re headed to Eddie’s Garage. ” He exited the truck the n walked around to open Mary’s door.
    As they walked through town , Luke took her hand and she savored the moment, loving the feel of his fingers entwined with her own.   As they walked, he tipped his hat in greeting to people they passed on the street but never let go of her hand.
    “ You’re very popular, ” she commented, after the mayor had stopped to talk about the weather.   The storm of last night had passed – with no snow – but the air was heavy with anticipation.   Something was brewing.
    “ It comes with the territory, ” Luke said.
    “ What territory? ”
    He veered off onto a side street, ma king his way to Eddie’s Garage. “ Be ing rich. Everyone wants to stay on your good side, even if they can’t stand the sight of you. ”
    “T hat’s not true, ” Mary protested.
    “Sure it is. ” Luke’s words flowed out of his mouth easily enough, but Mary sensed a hurt behind them.
    “ Do you really think that’s the only reason they speak to you? ” she asked.
    “ I don’t think it, honey, I know it is. ”   They had reached the garage. Luke pushed open the battered wooden door and ushered her

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