greasy spoon a few blocks from my apartment. Madge’s Place served the best fries in town.
I guess if I stretched my imagination, I might be able to consider our upcoming date somewhat cosmopolitan since we’d each order our own french fries.
Aberdeen? Was that a town, county or different realm entirely?
“It was wonderful.” Morgan sighed. Yet again.
I frowned. “ So, when do I get to meet him?”
I ’ve only seen Drake once, a few weeks back at Got Fangs? . He’d appeared at our table and asked Morgan to dance. I’ve not had a chance to shake hands and cast a quick truth spell with him yet.
Morgan bent to examine the election flag. She didn ’t duck quickly enough. I saw the shadows flow over her face.
What was that all about?
I’m her best friend. Actually, I think we are the only friends we each have, but that doesn’t diminish our love in any manner.
“ Soon, I’m sure.”
I nearly went into shock.
I didn’t need to cast a spell. It was all over Morgan’s body. She’d just lied. To me.
“ Doll?” I immediately loosened my grip on him. Too bad I couldn’t get rid of the one around my heart.
“ Did you know this guy?” Morgan asked as she unfurled the flag.
Duck and Dodge. I could do it. I ’d been doing it for the majority of my life.
“ Yeah.” I cleared my throat. My next words came out without sounding as if I had been recently strangled. “I met him today. He’s . . . He was a client of mine.”
Morgan nodded. Kept her attention focused on the dea d body. It helped. I couldn’t look her in the eye at the moment. For the first time I didn’t want to know what she was thinking.
“ He’s human.” She scowled at the flag. “Is he Tom Crawford?”
“ The one and the same.”
I firmed my lips. Why would she lie to me? It didn’t make sense at all. I know Morgan. Three years and countless escapades have woven our lives together. I trust her.
But she is a vamp. It ’s hard to know what they are thinking and feeling. The assassin from our last dead body issue had hinted about Morgan’s background being special or different somehow.
I hadn ’t really cared. I still don’t. She’s always accepted me as I am. I could no less.
If something was bothering Morgan enough for her to lie to me about it then I needed to seek that thing out. And kick it way the heck back to where it came from.
I would not settle for anything else. She ’s the only friend I have ever had.
The band around my chest eased. I could breath again.
Morgan traced one long, pale digit over the T. Her fangs flashed a second before she popped the bloody tip into her mouth.
“ Morgan, we don’t have time for snacking.”
She muttered words too low for me to hear, shot a glance at me out of the corner of her eye, and whatever was on my face must have reassured her. The muscles in her shoulders relaxed.
We ’d get through this. Whatever it was. We’d get through it.
“ I just wanted to see if politicians taste any different.”
Morgan and I have thrown our fair share of rotten tomatoes at enough political rallies - both democra tic and republican - for me to know she shares the same view I do of politicians.
Scum sucking dirt bags. Out to lie, cheat and claw their way to the top. They rivaled the worst of the HC. And those sad creatures couldn ’t always help their nasty and corrupt ways.
“ Damn. We can’t just bury him somewhere.” Morgan scowled down at the senator.
“ We can’t? Why not?” It had worked rather well the last time.
It would have worked out a lot better if the assassin hadn ’t watched us bury the body he had been sworn to protect. And as he had been the one to actually commit the murder in the first place, forcing us to kill him in order to conceal the first body, leave no witnesses and allow us to continue living, I thought it eventually worked out extremely well. In the end. With us still amongst the living.
“ He’s a senator, Kate. People will notice him
Stella Price, Audra Price, S.A. Price, Audra