UNTOUCHABLE (Siri's Saga Book 1)

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Book: UNTOUCHABLE (Siri's Saga Book 1) by Jessika Klide Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jessika Klide
a golden statue that comes alive and carries me up to Mount Olympus, but not the one in the clouds. The one in Vegas.

    Thank God It's Friday is the first thought I have when I wake up, stretch my arms over my head and take three deep breaths. I slept like a baby. I go through my daily routine of stretches, but I skip the hand stand and push-ups. I did enough of those last night.
    When I arrive at work, TD is there waiting on me. He opens the front door. "I have to go to the other office today. There's an issue I have to deal with. Let me have your digits. I'll pick you up at 7. The cocktails are at 8."
    "No. I'm not giving you my personal number. You can use Facebook if you need to contact me."
    "Fine. The attire is semiformal. Wear something more revealing." He looks at my breasts. "You do have something sexier than the business suits you always hide in, don't you?" He looks at my face and finds a severe smirk on it. "Wear something sexier." He opens the door, takes a step out, then backtracks. "Pretty please with sugar on top." His charm turned on high. "And thanks colleague."
    "Sure. You're welcome."
    My last day is uneventful. At 4 o'clock, I hug the few people who bothered to come by to wish me well. I'm glad the day is finally over. As I pull out of the parking lot for the last time, I thank my lucky stars that I went to Vegas and became a dancer instead of an Accountant.
    Sitting at a red light, my phone vibrates. That has to be TD. * The cocktail party has been pushed to 10. Something about a flight being delayed. I'll pick you up at 9:15. If that's ok? Please let it be ok, with some sprinkles on top.*
    I smirk at my phone. He is pouring it on thick! *It's ok. 9:15 then. The gate will be closed. I'll let the guard know to let you in. Make sure you have your driver's license. They will check your id after 9.*
    When I pull into the parking lot, I see that Moore is gone. Fuck! I need my Golden God fix for the day. And I need to find out his first name!
    Half way to the elevator, I remember TD and the gate. I'll ask Mrs. Smith to let Tony know when he comes in. At the office door, I see Lucy sitting at the desk. She is a small Asian woman about the same age as Mrs. Smith who handles the collections and evictions while Mrs. Smith is the people person. She is looking over some papers. I hope the woman who was crying isn't getting evicted. I need to remember to chat Mrs. Smith up about her. If she needs help with her rent, I could slip a money order under the door and get her out of a pinch. When I knock, Lucy looks up and smiles at me. "Hello Lucy. It's good to see you." She nods, but doesn't say anything. "Is Mrs. Smith around?"
    "No." She goes back to studying the papers she has in her hand.
    "Will she be back today?"
    "No." Lucy speaks broken English with a heavy accent, but she understands it perfectly.
    "Did her daughter have the baby?"
    "Yes." Lucy smiles at me. "A gurl."
    "Oh, that's wonderful! I know she is thrilled!"
    "Yes. You need hep?"
    "Yes. I have a visitor coming around 9:15. I wanted to let Tony know. I don't want to give this guy the gate code."
    "OK. I tell Tony. Car?"
    "He will be in a red Porsche."
    "Ah, fancy. Good! You need life."
    I laugh.
    "You go out? Dat good. I tell Tony."
    In my apartment, I strip, throw on a tank top and yoga shorts. I have four hours to kill. I'll call Cat later. Maybe she can talk.
    I grab my iPhone, a beer from the fridge, and go out on to the balcony. I plop down in my lounge chair to relax, run the beer across my forehead. I take a long drag on the bottle. Ah! There is nothing like the first taste of an ice cold beer on a hot humid day. I sing Halo softly to myself as I text Cat. *call me when you can talk a little while*
    Laying my head back to enjoy the sun, and slowly sipping my brew, my thoughts return to Moore. Yay! It's the weekend of Moore and me. I grin wickedly at the sky. I can't wait to explore him. Yum, I can't wait to run my

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