The Broken Kingdom

Free The Broken Kingdom by Sarah Chapman

Book: The Broken Kingdom by Sarah Chapman Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sarah Chapman
Tags: adventure, Fantasy
mouth, there was a cruel lift to her mouth.
    Aerlid’s words choked off.
    ‘Onsa.’ Adila greeted her.
    She shrugged. ‘Who knows?’
    ‘No, Seta is there, Seta is somewhere, maybe
still,’ suddenly he looked at Riley, ‘maybe she’s still there.’
    Riley clenched her fists. She had a rock in
her hand, where it had come from, Vann didn’t know.
    The woman chuckled, bringing attention back
to herself. ‘Perhaps you should ask Riley dear what happens when
you force a soul into another’s body.’
    ‘I rescued Seta,’ Aerlid insisted. ‘I didn’t
kill her. She’s still alive.’
    ‘Hmm… well, I think we’ll part ways here,
Moonsinger. I know what punishment the valkar will give you, and so
you can no longer be useful to me.’
    ‘You may go where you will.’ Adila said to
her. ‘I will not stop you.’
    The woman nodded, then she turned to Riley,
‘no need to look so murderous, dear. I did save you. If it
weren’t for me, you’d be pulp beneath a mountain.’
    ‘What are you talking about?’
    The woman shrugged, ‘no matter.’ she turned
and began walking up the beach.
    Aerlid watched her go, made a move to
follow. But Adila stopped him, ‘Aerlid,’ she said, ‘Onsa has used
you. She is very weak now, she has suffered at least two deaths.
She needed your help and used your feelings for Seta. You rescued
Onsa, Aerlid.’
    ‘Maybe.’ he said, ‘but Seta too. I know I
    Adila looked at him with pity. ‘Please, just
go wait. Rose is coming.’ Adila turned back to Riley. ‘I assure
you, he will be punished.’
    ‘Why can’t you judge him?’ Riley
    ‘Because I am not the Judgement Master, and
his crime is grave. But more than that, Aerlid is, was, my friend.
It is difficult to judge one you are close to fairly.’
    ‘And the fish people? He murdered one of
their kind.’
    Adila closed her eyes a moment. Then she
walked past her to Zap Zap.
    Zap Zap and the other fish people were
gathered around Strong Swimmer’s still body. ‘I fear she is right.’
Adila sighed. ‘The man who lived here is gone. Aerlid will be
judged for that as well. But is there anything I can do for you
    Zap Zap shook his head sadly. ‘No… Harsh
Wave clan will take him, they feared he would not survive. He has
been so strange and unwell. I keep some secrets from them. It would
upset and confuse them.’
    Adila nodded. ‘I am truly sorry.’
    Zap Zap turned to Vann, ‘I go with Harsh
Wave clan, say goodbye to Strong Swimmer. Then I return.’
    ‘I’m sorry, Zap Zap.’
    He merely nodded. And then the fish people
turned and swam out to sea, taking Strong Swimmer’s body with
    ‘Master?’ a lonely voice spoke.
    Vann looked towards Karesh, who now had
Riley’s attention.
    ‘Yes, Karesh?’
    ‘Are you well now?’
    Riley rubbed her face. ‘Better. I’ll be even
better once Aerlid is dealt with. What are you all doing here
    Vann shook his head fervently at Karesh.
Riley clearly didn’t know what had happened, and now was not the
time to tell her.
    Karesh saw him. ‘Later, Master. I think
there is enough to deal with now.’
    ‘Can you speak to the gemengs with me? They
are worried.’
    ‘Of course. Where are my swords? And my
clothes? Do you have them?’
    ‘I will bring you new weapons and clothes
from the city.’ Adila spoke up. ‘Whatever you need.’
    ‘Why would I need that? Surely not all my
clothes have been lost? Did the monster really lose my
    ‘Do not concern yourself, Riley, I will
bring you things.’ Adila replied hurriedly, realizing as well that
the collapse of the mountain was to be kept from Riley for now.
    Riley shot a look over her shoulder at
Adila. Presents will not make me forget this, the look seemed to
say. But she turned back to Karesh and let him lead her to the
    Vann looked over at Adila. ‘Can you fix my
nose?’ he mumbled.
    ‘Oh!’ Adila seemed to have forgotten him.
‘Aerlid would do it

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