Paranormal Summer (Indigo Moon Rising)

Free Paranormal Summer (Indigo Moon Rising) by Sherry Guyberson

Book: Paranormal Summer (Indigo Moon Rising) by Sherry Guyberson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sherry Guyberson
feeling. Like when I get mad, or when my heart hurts. I saw myself take a deep breath, standing with my feet planted firmly on the ground. Then I concentrated on my heart. As I focused on the light in my heart, it got bigger and bigger. Then I felt better and better."
    A blue damselfly landed on Jillian's head. She looked down and Jillian looked up. “Feel thankful now for everyone and everything you have. When you count your blessings, FEEL them. It’s the feeling that creates beautiful waves inside and around you. Then, remember that within each blessing there are the ones that made them possible, too.”
    The mist from the falls made a rainbow ending in the sand. Jillian walked over to where it ended. Now it was gone. She backed up, and there it was again. She knelt down. Gently she blew into the water and watched the waves ripple outward. Why was that so familiar? She heard a familiar voice. What you think makes the difference in how you feel.  That made her think about the party, the disappointment. The hot, knotty feelings of anger and frustration started to well up inside of her.
    Jillian stood up and walked closer to the waterfall. There was a smooth portion where she could see her entire reflection. This was her, but it actually wasn't. She looked younger. There in the waterfall was a scowling, angry girl glaring at her. Startled she asked, “Who’s that? It sorta looks like me, but it's not. I am much older and more mature.”
    An owl sitting in a nearby tree offered, “That is what youuu are projecting, that is what youuu were thinking. When youuu think like that, youuu will feel like that, and youuu will remain that way.”
    Jillian’s mouth dropped open. She looked at the reflection, which now had her arms crossed, with a large frown disfiguring her sweaty, red face. Her toe was tapping as if she were waiting for something. “Is that really me?" Jillian said and looked back at the animals on the beach. “What do we do?” Jillian asked.
    “ We can’t do anything except give youuu some guidance. Youuu are the only one that has the ability,” the owl answered.
    “ It's sssimple,” a snake piped up as it slithered closer to Jillian. Jillian knelt down and looked it straight in the eye. “Sssimply change your thoughts.”
    Jillian took a deep breath and rolled her eyes up as if in thought. Think happy thoughts. Be grateful for what I do have. The blessings that are all around me right now. She closed her eyes and began to feel the things she was grateful for. She took another long, deep breath, and her face began to soften. Then a smile began to grow, grow, and grow. Then she began to giggle, and then she began to glow. She took another deep breath and looked around.
    Of course, all of the animals’ eyes were on her, and they were all smiling. Jillian turned to see her reflection. “Oh!” She gasped. Looking at her was a beautiful, confident, young girl smiling back at her. She seemed to glow. But was that her? Maybe the waterfall made you look younger. But it wasn't quite clear now.
    “ Wow!” Jillian said as the animals began to applaud. “That was pretty simple!” She felt wonderfully full and content and even empowered. She looked at all of the magnificent animals and insects and birds around her. The sun must have been in a special part of the sky to make everything look so radiant. Everything seemed so much more dimensional, detailed, almost electrified.
    A large fluorescent green darner dragonfly had been watching from a nearby bush. He lifted off and hovered near Jillian. “When you feel love, that is your spirit talking to you. Your connection to spirit is always there. It is always available. It is always ready to help; you just need to ask."
    A hawk was soaring silently above them. The crowd was whispering and pointing. They seemed to be waiting his arrival. Landing on a boulder at the water’s edge, he bowed to the crowd and they bowed

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