THE BILLIONAIRE'S BABY (A Secret Baby Romance)

Free THE BILLIONAIRE'S BABY (A Secret Baby Romance) by Mia Carson

Book: THE BILLIONAIRE'S BABY (A Secret Baby Romance) by Mia Carson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Mia Carson
every breath. They looked tantalizingly soft and touchable, so much so that my fingers itched to pull down the strap and delve under her bra to… wait, no. I couldn’t let my mind go there.
    At the sound of Lexi clearing her throat, my eyes shot up to her face, which was also breathtaking, enhanced by tasteful evening makeup. Her eyes glittered warningly at me, intensely green, as if she could read my dirty thoughts. I swallowed hard and tried to think of something completely non-sexual so the tell-tale bulge in my pants would go down, but that wasn’t going to happen any time soon, not with her in that outfit.
    This was the first time I’d seen Lexi with her hair down, and it cascaded in loose waves, soft and black over her smooth white shoulders and delicate collar bones. My fingers ached with the urge to run through her silky hair. Lexi’s full lips shimmered pink and looked moist with lip gloss, and I employed all my strength to refrain from backing her against a wall and kissing those lips senseless.
    “So,” her voice cut through my thoughts, “shall we go? You look good, by the way.” Lexi’s words hinted at playfulness, and I saw her mouth quirk up as she tried to hide a smile. She knew exactly how hot she looked and the effect it had on me, that was certain. Her gaze flickered quickly up and down my body as she spoke. I was pleased to see a strong blush tint her cheeks and neck.
    “We shall, and thank you. You look exquisite, Lexi. I mean that in the most professional sense, of course.” I bit back a smirk myself as we walked toward the elevator. This evening was obviously going to test my willpower, and I wasn’t sure I had the strength to resist flirting with my own smoking hot personal assistant.

    I noticed Braden’s eyes flickering ever so briefly to my legs and back to the road as I shifted in the leather interior of his black Ferrari on the way to the dinner. Though his look was quick, a shot of hot tingles slipped down my spine and pooled in my stomach as well as between my thighs, where his gaze had lingered.
    The windows were cracked to let in the balmy evening breeze, which added to the exhilaration of not only sitting next to this gorgeous man and the idea of attending a glitzy, celebrity-filled Hollywood dinner, but also the fact that I would be meeting a big screenwriter, Rob Greenburg.
    The party was a perfect, exciting end to what had been an amazing week. Braden had yet again been above-board and respectful, even today when he’d seen my outfit for tonight and clearly fought hard to keep any playboy remarks to himself. Also, each day at work, I’d become increasingly comfortable and proficient in both my role as the owner’s assistant and the inner workings of Huntington Productions, and I loved it. I’d become more sure that the film industry was the right career for me, and my new position couldn’t have been better suited. So when Braden had mentioned his intention to introduce me to the experienced screenwriter Rob Greenburg, I felt like my career was quickly moving in the right direction. I was over the moon.
    As Braden curved expertly around the winding roads up into Beverly Hills, I was in high spirits and felt like letting loose. If that included some mild flirtation with Braden, I was totally fine with that. I peeked at him as he shifted gears to go up a particularly steep hill, which ended at a ritzy-looking hotel. A fresh wave of tingles washed through my stomach.
    There was something hot about a man who drove stick-shift. Braden looked extra stunning in a fitted tux with a bow-tie that brought out the intensity of his clear blue eyes. I could feel the raw manliness emanating from him when he shifted gears. My eyes stayed for a moment too long on his face, taking in the five-o-clock shadow of dark stubble, his strong jaw, and that boyishly tousled dirty-blond hair. He must have felt my gaze because he glanced over and met my eyes for a moment before focusing

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