Surrender To The Viking
    ‘That must be why humility doesn’t feature among your personal qualities.’
    His grin widened. ‘I do confess it.’
    ‘Never mind, it is amply compensated by arrogance.’
    ‘A crushing blow to my self-esteem.’
    ‘Nothing could crush that, my lord.’
    Finn laughed out loud. ‘I’m sure you will persevere anyway.’
    Lara stared at him. The man was impossible. Nothing deflated him. Nothing daunted him. It was definitely time to beat a dignified retreat.
    ‘If you will excuse me I must go and fetch some more mead.’
    ‘What a pity.’
    ‘Yes, but I’m sure you’ll get over it.’
    Finn watched her departure with mixed feelings. Although her assessment of his character was decidedly unflattering he had enjoyed the repartee that went with it. In spite of his best efforts that day he hadn’t been able to dismiss her from his mind altogether. Once or twice he’d even found himself looking around in the hope of seeing her. Annoyed with himself he’d made a more determined attempt to focus on the business in hand. He had a battle to fight. Now was not the time for distraction of any sort, least of all for a troublesome little vixen like Lara.
    Even in the hall tonight she had done her best to avoid him, leaving others to fill his cup. It should have been a matter of complete indifference to him, but it wasn’t. Even while he tried to focus on the conversation his gaze obliquely followed her progress around the room. Knowing that she would not come to him he’d had to resort to outright provocation just to be sure of getting her attention. It had worked, although he didn’t get the response he’d been expecting. He never knew which way she would jump. With her he had to be continually on his toes, ready for anything, but it was the element of unpredictability that he found so stimulating. In the short time he’d known her he’d experienced a wide range of emotions but boredom wasn’t one of them. She represented an entirely different kind of challenge and one that would be met. Just let him deal with Steingrim and then they would see.

Chapter Seven
    N ext day, just after dawn, the men began loading provisions and war gear on to the waiting ships. Although Lara watched the preparations from a distance, she felt the familiar thrill of excitement that the sea dragons always inspired. They were beautiful and deadly, their long clean lines built for speed enabling them to bear down on their prey with the ruthless power of swooping hawks. Their shallow draughts made them ideal for exploring inland waterways as well, something her brother had taken advantage of many times.
    ‘I’ll bid you farewell, Daughter.’ Her father’s voice jerked her out of her reverie. She’d been so engrossed in the ships that she hadn’t even noticed his approach.
    ‘My lord?’
    He clasped her shoulders and bestowed a kiss on her cheek. ‘I wish you a safe journey and contentment in your new life.’
    ‘Thank you but—’
    ‘Be a good wife and obey your husband in all things.’ He squeezed her shoulders and then stepped back. ‘I expect your brother will bring me word in due course.’ He glanced around and spied Alrik on the jetty. ‘That reminds me, I need a word with him before he leaves.’
    She looked after him in bemusement. Before she had time to ponder too deeply Finn appeared at her shoulder.
    ‘Are your things aboard yet?’
    ‘No, why?’
    ‘The ship will be leaving very soon. I’ll have someone fetch your box.’
    ‘To what end?’
    ‘I should have thought that was obvious.’
    ‘Not to me.’
    He surveyed her steadily. ‘Surely you didn’t think I would leave you behind?’
    Lara blinked. It was exactly what she had thought. It had never occurred to her that he might have other plans.
    ‘But you’re going to meet Steingrim.’
    ‘Don’t worry. I’ll keep you safe.’
    Something in his smile caused her breathing to quicken. ‘I’ll be safer here and indeed I am content to

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