Surrender To The Viking
    ‘But I am not. Indeed, the idea displeases me greatly.’
    ‘I am flattered that you should so desire my company but in truth I have no wish to impede your plans, my lord.’
    ‘You won’t impede my plans. You’re very much a part of them.’
    ‘I should prefer to stay here.’
    ‘And I should prefer you to go.’
    This was getting trickier by the minute. He seemed impervious to even the strongest of hints. She was going to have to be blunt. ‘I don’t wish to go.’
    ‘That is unfortunate.’
    ‘What would I do on such an expedition?’
    ‘Whatever I command of you.’
    It was blatant provocation again but knowing that didn’t diminish her annoyance. Her gaze smouldered.
    ‘Not likely.’
    ‘I think you’ll find it otherwise. Incidentally, the penalties for disobedience are harsh on board a ship.’
    ‘I’m not going on board your ship.’
    ‘A wife’s place is at her husband’s side. Where is your box?’
    ‘It’s in the bower where it’s staying.’
    Finn called to one of the passing crewmen. ‘Sturla, go to the bower and fetch the lady’s things. One of the women will show you.’
    ‘Right away, my lord.’
    Lara glared at Sturla. ‘Don’t you dare touch my things, you oaf.’
    The man ignored her as though she hadn’t spoken and strode off for the steading. Furious, she rounded on Finn.
    ‘You can’t do this.’
    ‘I just did.’
    ‘And I just told you I wasn’t going.’
    He raised an eyebrow and then slowly advanced. Reading his intention, Lara turned to run but he caught her in two strides. There followed a few heated seconds of loud protest and futile struggle and then she was tossed over his shoulder and carried bodily to the waiting ship. As they reached the jetty they passed her father. Having observed the spectacle for a moment he nodded to Finn.
    ‘Good man. Start as you mean to go on.’
    Lara heard the words with impotent and speechless wrath. Moments later she was aboard the ship. Once there she was deposited in the stern and, despite a furious resistance, was pinned to the deck with a knee in her back and then bound hand and foot. Finn surveyed her steadily.
    ‘I’ll untie you again when we’re underway.’
    ‘Then I’ll swim back, you bastard.’
    ‘Try it and you’ll be tied up for the rest of the journey. That’s after I’ve tanned your backside, of course.’
    She glared at him. ‘Only you would be low enough to think of such a thing.’
    ‘Low enough to do it and enjoy it as well.’
    Just then she had no doubts about his sincerity on either count. The ramifications sent a flush of heat the length of her body. As a result she bit back the insults she wanted to hurl at his head and remained silent.
    Finn had no trouble reading her expression. ‘I think we understand one another.’ He straightened, looking down at her. ‘Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’ll get this ship underway.’
    With that he left her. A short time later the man Sturla returned carrying her chest. As soon as he came aboard she heard the shouted commands and saw the lines cast off. Slowly the ship began to move away from shore. As it did she was aware of covert glances coming her way from the crew. Fuming, Lara fought the rope but it had been most expertly tied. Her bonds yielded not a whit. In the end she gave it up, realising that she was going to have to stay there until it pleased Finn to release her. It was but a small demonstration of his power but it gave rise to more sombre reflections. Soon now they would be in his territory, a wild and potentially dangerous place cut off from everything that was familiar. In that place his authority was absolute.
    * * *
    It was another hour before Finn came near her again. By then the ship was under sail in open water, the coast a dark smudge on the horizon. Even had she felt so inclined, Lara knew it would be impossible to swim back to shore. In fact she wasn’t so inclined. The fury that had consumed her earlier had died down to

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