    ‘There are those who wish to take the
power for their own ends.  I must stop them.’
    ‘Why?  From what you’ve said Abulafia’s
ritual was used to bring the Messiah.  Surely...’
    ‘How little you understand.  That was
certainly the aim of Cordozo.’
    ‘Jacob Cordozo.  It was he who affected
the ritual in the seventeenth century.’
    ‘Something happened when the ritual
failed.  The breastplate was torn apart by the forces that were released and
the stones thrust through time and space.’
    ‘Later.  Just listen.  Three of the
stones, I believe, remained with Cordozo.  You have one and each of the two
matching goblets contain the others.  The rest vanished.’
    Tiferet just shook his head.
    ‘Something else happened but I do not know
what.  That creature you saw in your dream could well be a product of that
    It was the Professor’s turn to look a
little sheepish.
    ‘I used to have a student; a brilliant
scholar, called Alexander Lapski.  I told him my theories.  It is Alex who is
trying to locate the stones with the intent of controlling the Light for his
own ends.  I think it entirely possible that he has allied himself with your
creature.  What I do not know is the creature’s motivations.  Alex’s are
    ‘And, what about me?’
    ‘Isn’t that obvious?  You are the only
direct male descendant of Jacob Cordozo.
    ‘What we have to learn is why this Cherry
Linford is so interested in the cup.  Is she with Lapski or has she some agenda
of her own?  Will you help me?’
    Jake looked at the other.  It did sound
plausible; but there were still gaps?
    ‘Hold on.  You said the stones have been
thrust through time and space.  What does that mean?’
    ‘You know so little.  According to Midrash
this was not the first Earth that Hashem created.  There were (I suppose you
would call them) prototypes that were destroyed.  When this Earth was finally
created God created six further Earths on different planes as well as seven
    ‘But this is like so much pagan
    ‘Of course.  Do you really think that we
Jews are so different from the rest of the human race?  Mythology is mythology
but, like all legend, there is a grain of truth in it.  The other nine stones
found their way into the other Earths.  To claim them, that is where you must
    Jake shook his head.  This was rapidly
entering the realms of fantasy.  He tried not to show his incredulity but it
was clear that Tiferet had picked up on it.
    ‘All right, Professor.  But you have a
fourth stone.  Where did that come from?’
    ‘Is that not obvious from what I’ve been
saying?  I took it from another Earth.’
    Jake could not believe his ears, ‘And how,
may I ask, did you manage that?’
    ‘There are ceremonies and rituals of which
I know.  It is possible to reach across the first barriers and take what you
    ‘And you’ve done that?’
    ‘Yes.  You doubt me?’
    ‘Calm down.  You must admit that this is
quite fantastic?’
    ‘Listen to me, Jacob Tranton.  I am
telling you the truth.  In time you will see it for yourself.  For now, accept
what I say and know this.  I am not the only one who has reached across the
dimensions.  So also has Alexander Lapski and I believe that he has several
stones in his possession.  He must be stopped.  He must be.’
    ‘And, if I refuse?’
    ‘Something has been released.  I do not
know what it is but you have seen it for yourself.  At the moment its powers
are illusions but with the Light!  Who knows?’

Chapter 7
    Jake believed.
    Tiferet was innocent, he was certain of
it.  Which meant that this Lapski person was the enemy.  If there was just one
grain of truth in what he had been told there was enough to make a story that
he could sell with ease.  To begin with, he agreed to meet with Cherry Linford
so that he could find out her

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