The Billionaire's Curvy Submissive (BBW Billionaire Erotica Novel)
she might rip off
a chunk of the wood and attack with it. “What are you doing in bed
with this child?!”
    “Excuse me” Claire interjected sweetly, “I’m
actually twenty-two. And I think you’re breaking the door.”
    Cheryl eased her grip on the doorframe,
grimacing as specks of paint came off in her hand. She turned her
vile gaze toward Parker, nearly foaming at the mouth. “Why did you
ask me to come here while you were fucking around with my goddamned
    “Sales associate...” Claire mumbled.
    “Shut up, you little slut!” Cheryl
    Before Claire could retaliate, she heard
something whizzing through the air and watched as the glass vase
that had been on the bedside table smashed against the wall next to
Cheryl’s head. Cheryl shrunk back, amazedly staring at her husband.
Parker was glaring daggers at the woman, looking very happy with
himself for having launched the glass at her.
    “Don’t you ever speak to Claire like that,”
he bellowed, wrapping a protective arm around the girl.
    “What are you going to do about it?” Cheryl
screeched, “Hit me like you always wanted to do, you sick
    “I wouldn’t give you the satisfaction,”
Parker shouted back, “And besides. I don’t want to touch your
embalmed ass.”
    “You son of a bitch...” Cheryl hissed.
    “That’s right,” Parker said, “I’m a son of a
bitch, and you’re a cold, frigid, manipulative cunt. I’m so glad
that you could make it here this afternoon. It’ll make the court
proceedings a lot simpler, I’d imagine.”
    “What are you talking about?” Cheryl cried,
“What court pro—?”
    “Oh... I forgot to mention. Well, this seems
like a perfect time to bring it up,” Parker said gleefully, “I
don’t love you Cheryl, and I haven’t for years. I’m divorcing your
winkled, skinny sad sack of a person. Hope there isn’t any hard
    Cheryl stood silently in the doorway, her
eyes darting back and forth between Parker and Claire. “This is
your fault, isn’t it?” Cheryl demanded, staring hard at Claire,
“You threw yourself at him, didn’t you? You filthy little—”
    “Actually,” Claire interrupted the woman’s
rant, “I didn’t have to. He was willing enough to throw me down
instead. We love each other, you evil bitch, and I’m going to make
him happier than you could have in a million years. Oh, and also
Cheryl? I don’t want to work at your ridiculous shop anymore. I
quit. Now... If you don’t mind, I was just about to have my pussy
pummeled by your soon-to-be-ex-husband, and I’d like to get into it
as soon as possible. You’re more than welcome to stick around and
see how a real woman makes love, but it would probably just make
you all weepy and pathetic, so if you can get a move on, I know
that we’d both really appreciate it. Make sure not to let the door
hit you on the way out! You probably bruise easily, don’t you, you
skinny bitch?”
    The color had drained from Cheryl’s face, and
she backed away from the door, aghast. “You’ll be hearing from my
lawyer,” she said, glaring at Parker.
    “You can afford a lawyer from the earnings of
your ridiculous gift shop?” Parker teased. That was the last straw
for Cheryl. She slammed the door and raced down the stairs. Claire
and Parker could hear shattering glass and banging doors as she
went. She was undoubtedly destroying everything in her path, but it
didn’t matter. They were finally alone together, amazed at the
unfolding of the last few minutes.
    “You had that planned the whole time, didn’t
you?” Claire asked, amazed.
    “That depends,” Parker said, “Did you mean
what you said?”
    “Which part?”
    “The part about loving me... About making me
happy... Does that mean you want to stay with me?”
    “Parker, of course I do! It’s all I want in
the world!”
    “You’ll have to leave your own life
    “My old life was shit.”
    “What about your boyfriend?”
    “Who? He

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