The Billionaire's Curvy Submissive (BBW Billionaire Erotica Novel)
is it?” Parker said, and Claire was
touched by the concern in his voice.
    “Oh... It’s nothing,” Claire lied, not
wanting to ruin the moment, “I just... Why don’t you come over
    Parker sneered at her, recovering from his
moment of softness. “You know that I’ll come to you when I’m good
and ready and done staring at your tight little pussy.”
    There was the Parker she knew. Claire smiled
back at him, not wanting to scare him away with her sudden
anxieties about their relationship. “These ropes as scratching me
up,” she whispered, tugged at her restraints, “Will you loosen them
for me?”
    “We both know you don’t really want that,”
Parker chided her, pulling himself onto his knees at the foot of
the bed, “Besides... if I do that, you might just end up scratching
me again.”
    Claire blushed deeply at the memory. The last
time they had fucked, a few days ago, she had lost her head and
left deep gashes in Parker’s back with her fingernails. She’d paid
dearly for the transgression of their established
dominant/submissive arrangement by not getting to have sex with him
for three whole days! Her deep desire for him and lack of another
outlet had driven her mad for those seventy-two hours, and she
certainly didn’t want to mess anything up now that she was back in
his bed.
    “That’s why I had to bind you,” Parker
explained, advancing toward Claire on all fours, “You’ve been
dreadfully bad, Claire. Really you have.”
    “I know, Parker. I know I have...” Claire
gasped, her eyes fixed on the rippling muscles of Parker’s strong
shoulders, the stiff expanse of his cock as it hung heavily between
his toned and solid thighs. How could one man, who was more
beautiful than any model or movie star she had ever seen in any
magazine, be attracted enough to her to bring her back here time
and again? His interest in her was almost beyond her comprehension
and Claire was so grateful for it.
    Claire felt her cheeks grow hot and wet, and
she looked up at Parker in horror. She had started to cry,
completely against her own will! She tried in vain to swallow down
the tears, but the effort only made things worse. Parker caught
sight of her sudden upset and sat back on his ankles, looking down
at her with worry in his eyes.
    “Claire,” he said softly, “What is it? What’s
    The kindness in his voice only pushed her
into the realm of hysterics. The embarrassment of crying in front
of him, coupled with the other emotions raging inside of her caused
a flood of tears to spill forth from Claire’s eyes. She felt
herself growing more grotesque, and would kick her own ass if she
wasn’t tied up.
    “I’m sorry...” she sobbed, “I don’t know
what’s come over me...”
    Though her vision was obscured with tears,
Claire felt herself being released from the ropes that bound her
and Parker’s soft hands wrapping her in a soft, silky sheet. He
pulled her against her chest with all the compassion of young
suitor and lay down beside her, rocking her softly as the waves of
tears burst over her.
    “You don’t have to be sorry,” he cooed, “I
just wish there was some way I could make you feel better. Did I
scare you with all of this? I hope that I didn’t, Claire, I’d feel
so terrible if that were the case.”
    “No, no,” Claire said, sniffing through her
tears, “It’s not that at all! I love everything about this,
absolutely everything! You’re so wonderful... and patient... and
    “Claire, I’ve tied you up in three different
positions this week and dripped hot candle wax onto your tits.”
    “Exactly!” Claire sobbed with fresh
waterworks, “I didn’t know anything like this could ever be
possible, but you’ve taught me so much! I just... I wish I could
tell you how much you mean to me. How much I... I...”
    “How much you what?” Parker said, looking at
Claire seriously, “How much you what, Claire? How much you...?”
    “I can’t say it!”

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