Not Her Type: Erotic Adventures With a Delivery Man

Free Not Her Type: Erotic Adventures With a Delivery Man by Kay Jaybee

Book: Not Her Type: Erotic Adventures With a Delivery Man by Kay Jaybee Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kay Jaybee
smile, Jenny saw her courier’s face was pink with exertion. Doing up
his trousers and refastening his belt, he said nothing.
    She longed to tell him how good that had
felt, how high it had rated amongst all their quickies, all the quickies she’d
ever had, how fantastic it was to see him on a Wednesday, and how much she
wanted to talk to him about the day before. But Jenny knew she shouldn’t say
anything. He was well behind schedule, and speaking now would destroy the
magic. So she remained in character as she mutely watched him open the door,
sprint to his van, and reverse out down the street as though he were late for
his own wedding.

    120 Seconds

    Jenny had been
ready for an hour. Dressed as per his request. Black jeans, black low-cut shirt,
black bra, black knickers.
    A rare text from John late the night before
had warned her that even compared to normal, they wouldn’t have long. But then, we never have long.
    He was already speaking as he came into the
house, his tone hectoring. ‘No time to explain. I have a stupidly large new van
and company. A new assistant to train. He’s practicing parking. We’ve got two
minutes until he manages to get the truck into a space. Then he’ll be knocking
on the door.’
    Jenny’s mouth opened to argue, to say that
two minutes was impossible, but she didn’t have the chance to say anything as she
was driven to her knees with the order, ‘Suck my cock.’
    In the back of Jenny’s mind, the countdown

    120 seconds – John dragged down his
jeans and boxers.
    115 seconds – The insistent beep of
the truck’s reversing signal reverberated in her ears as Jenny’s lips closed
around his dick. Inhaling his distinctive scent, she wasted a few precious
moments savoring her lover’s exquisite flavor , until the noise from outside stopped and, panic gripping her, she
worked even faster.
    110 seconds – Frantically licking the
very tip of John’s shaft in time to the ticking clock in her head, Jenny
wrapped a palm firmly around his wood.
    100 seconds – John’s fingernails
grated at her scalp. His muscles clenched.   From outside Jenny could hear the vehicle begin to move again
as the trainee continued his maneuvers .
    95 seconds – The courier pulled
himself from Jenny’s lips and roughly rotated her, dragging both her jeans and
knickers to her ankles.
    90 seconds – Her sticky juices spread
over her clit as she was bent over the bottom steps of the stairway, one strong
hand groping between her legs, the other controlling her hips.
    85 seconds – The purr of the engine
stopped, and then started again. ‘What if…?’ she began to ask, but John slapped
her butt, interrupting her mumbled fear as he pushed her shirt up onto her
shoulders, enquiring fingers plunging inside her bra. Nervous currents fired
through Jenny as he polished her nipples.
    80 seconds – John fell to his knees, and
with one eye on the door, stuffed his hastily sheathed dick into her.
    75 seconds – A calloused palm came
back between her legs, gliding over and around her clit, making her shake.
    65 seconds – The clock in Jenny’s head
ticked louder. ‘He’ll be here any second, what shall we do if…?’   A pinch at her labia morphed her words
into a lust-fuelled yelp as John pumped, ramming his groin against her arse.
    60 seconds – The reversing siren sounded
briefly, and then died.
    55 seconds – Jenny’s arms gave way.
Collapsing against the stairs, the treads dug into her chest.
    45 seconds – John let out a low moan.
    40 seconds – Frantic fingers danced
over Jenny’s pussy as John thrust harder still, his balls slapping her flesh.
    35 seconds – An eerie peace filled
the hall as, successfully parked, the truck’s engine was switched off.
    30 seconds – Anxious, Jenny swallowed
back a desire-riddled scream, the knowledge of their imminent discovery
overwhelming her.
    28 seconds – The truck door slammed
    25 seconds – Hot cream fired into

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