Keeper's Knowledge (Balancer's Soul cycle)

Free Keeper's Knowledge (Balancer's Soul cycle) by Lee Morgan

Book: Keeper's Knowledge (Balancer's Soul cycle) by Lee Morgan Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lee Morgan
both of her parents began breathing. Sarah’s mother’s eyes finally went into focus as she tu r ned her head. Her voice quivered along with her bottom lip as she asked “You would name your child after mine?” Connor nodded slowly . “That will be the greatest honor you can give to my dau…” Jillian ’s voice failed her as she hugged Connor’s neck. Sarah could actually see a tear stream from her mother’s cheek.
    Connor let his emotional mother -in-law hug him. Sarah felt him entering her mind. “I never asked you, but do you like my idea?”
    “Of course.” She thought to her self, Pearl…Pearl…Pearl…Pearl… Sarah looked at Connor as he allowed her get used to saying the name. “It is a perfect name for her. You are my Knight. I am your Princess.” She looked down as she touched her belly. “And you will be our little treasure.”
    It all seemed right.
    Connor glanced at her for a moment and smiled. “It ’s settled. Pearl May it is then.”
    Sarah stole a glance at her f ather and almost wished she ha dn’t. His eyes were squeezed tight and a few tear drops escaped down his cheek . His lips were pressed together and quivering. She ha s never in her whole life seen her father show that unique expression. It i s one she will never forget either .
    About forty five minutes later they finally reached the next destination. They pulled into Jack’s garage. The parking lot lay currently empty since it i s everyone’s day off. Jack stepped out of the truck and entered the security code to the gate to allow them to enter. Connor pulled in and parked the tuck. Jack said that this will be the safest place to keep the truck since the front gate is shut and locked every night. The walls and parking lot are all under surveillance and is constantly monitored by private security.
    Sarah hesitantly opened her door because she kne w that she is going to be cold for a long trip while they make their way north towards the meeting . The door opened and she was correct about the cold.
    Relentless cold assaulted everyone equally.
    Both Kara and Mark landed on the ground easily d espite their enormous weight advantage. Sarah locked and shut her door as did Mark. She followed the two Changers to the back of the truck and waited for a moment . Connor held the lid open as everyone grabbed their individual packs. Her f ather grabbed theirs and they both put them on under neath their new cloaks. Mark and Kara each grabbed their packs and sniffed it. T hey realized they had the other s and traded them back with private smiles. Jack grabbed Haunt just as Connor reached in and grabbed Sarah’s bag for her . She quickly slid it on her back and clasped the clip between her breasts. She then closed the front of her cloak with both hands to at least keep and trap some warmth her body made from escaping .
    Connor grabbed his pack from the truck and closed the lid to lock it. He wiped the remaining snow residue off the top and sat his pack on the ground. He pulled out his compass and laminate d map from his bag. He laid out the map on the flat surface and the compass over the map key. He moved his body and twisted the map until he was satisfied. Connor then called all of them over to the truck. “We all agree that the temporary bond is in that direction. His arm pointed due north and Sarah felt the bond pulling her in that v ery direction. “Now if we take the road route we will run into nine small cities and three towns before we even hit the Canadian border. But if we take a direct route we will only pass through two of the citie s and one town .” Connor turned to look at all of them . “The direct route takes us through the mountains and it might get a little tricky since it snowed during the night . Do you want to stick close to the road system or simply go through the mountains?”
    Kara raised her hand. “I say mountains because the bears are hibernating and because it will be secluded for us.”
    Connor lifted an

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