Adrian (The Dark Shadows Book 4)

Free Adrian (The Dark Shadows Book 4) by Ariel Marie

Book: Adrian (The Dark Shadows Book 4) by Ariel Marie Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ariel Marie
she laughed, looking over to Adrian. He seemed satisfied, knowing that she would at least be able to hear his brother while he stood outside the doors.
    “I’m ready when you are, Angel.” Teague’s voice came through loud and clear.
    “I’m ready.” Adrian grabbed her gently by the nape of her neck. He pulled her forward and laid a kiss on the middle of her forehead.
    “Showtime,” he whispered, with his lips still pressed against her. He pulled away and opened the door that would lead her to the dungeons.
    Angel took the first step into the hallway, pausing to look one last time at the vampire she loved. His eyes held a concerned look. She smiled before giving him a small wave, wanting to calm his nerves. She refused to show him that she was nervous. He might not let her go if he knew that her stomach was tied up in knots. She turned away, and her smile disappeared as she focused on her mission.
    When she had learned that Jaxon was being held in the royal dungeon, she imagined a musty dark area in the house that would still hold all the appeal of the eighteenth or nineteenth century. The hallway leading to Jaxon’s cell was the complete opposite of what she had imagined. It was almost sterile in appearance, with the clean cold concrete floors, and walls painted a light gray. She didn’t have any trouble finding Jaxon’s cell.
    Second one on the right is where Nicu said he would be. She paused in front of the glass-encased cell. There was a box on the wall with buttons for communication and to open the door. Jaxon sat on the floor; silver chains hung from his wrists, securing him to the wall. His head hung low, and he was unaware that she was observing him, still clothed in his dirty clothes from the other day.
    She reached up and pressed the communicator button that would allow them to speak to each other.
    “Jaxon?” she called out.
    His head jerked up and his eyes locked on her. For a moment, she was taken back to the night when he rescued her. Pain had filled her body, and his voice still echoed in her head, assuring her that she would be okay, and that the pain would pass soon. It was Jaxon that had been almost like a big brother to her, but only in secret.
    The other rogues didn’t know that Jaxon had favored her over the other new vampires that were being recruited. Five long years she ran in the underground world of rogue vampires, not knowing any better, and hating every moment of it. That world just wasn’t for her, and she had to escape it.
    “Angel?” His voice was raspy as his tortured eyes gazed upon her. “I’m so sorry.”
    “Why?” she demanded. After five years away from the rogues, she had finally begun to feel free to live her life in peace.
    “I needed to talk to you. You were in danger,” he said, looking away. “I panicked when I saw those two Shadows in the club.”
    “You could have called me,” she said, folding her arms across her chest.
    “What I needed to tell you, couldn’t be said over the phone.”
    “Why not?”
    “Because they have been watching you, and I was sure that your home phone was tapped.”
    “Ask him who was watching you.” Teague’s voice came through her earpiece.
    “Who?” she asked softly, unconsciously taking a step closer to the glass. Who would be watching her? She had already been deemed worthless as a rogue vampire. Attacking and killing innocent victims was something she could never bring herself to do.
    “Why are you with the Shadows?” Jaxon asked with his top lip curled in disgust. “Are you here against your will? Have they harmed you?”
    “Do not tell him that you’re Adrian’s mate,” Teague’s voice whispered in her ear.
    “I…I don’t know,” she stumbled with her answer. “They have not harmed me.”
    “Ask him again who is watching you,” Teague whispered, redirecting their conversation.
    “Who would be watching me?” she asked again.
    “You know they wanted to kill you all those years ago, when you were

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