The Death Card: A Liz Lucas Cozy Mystery

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Book: The Death Card: A Liz Lucas Cozy Mystery by Dianne Harman Read Free Book Online
Authors: Dianne Harman
like you to find out if you can. I’d
like to know how serious her relationship with Anton is, how much time he
spends in San Francisco, and if she knows what he does for a living. Try to
make it conversational, because I don’t want her to think I or anyone else
asked her back here just to get information. You’re diplomatic, and I’m sure
you’ll find a way to do it. I’d appreciate you letting me know if she can come
tomorrow. Thanks, and Lisette, I’d rather you didn’t say anything about this to
anyone. As far as payment, tell Delores to put the massage on my account, and
of course you’ll be paid for your time.”
    “I’ll call you later,”
Lisette said, ending the conversation.
    Liz took some ahi tuna
steaks out of the freezer and decided to make an Oriental meal for dinner with
sesame coated seared ahi, warm Asian noodles, a sliced orange and avocado salad
with a vinaigrette dressing that used rice vinegar, and finish up with green
tea ice cream with fortune cookies for dessert. She was expecting Emily around
one, and depending on whether or not she could get an appointment with Madame
Dika, Emily could easily do the prep work for the meal along with setting the
table and getting the cheese trays ready.
    The ringing of her cell
phone interrupted her thoughts about tonight’s dinner. “This is Liz Lucas.”
    “Liz, it’s Madame Dika.
You left a message for me to call you. What can I do for you?”
    “I really enjoyed the
question tarot card reading you did for me yesterday, and I was hoping you’d
have time to see me this afternoon for a full tarot card spread.”
    Madame Dika was quiet for
a moment, and then said, “Yes, I could fit you in at 6:00 this evening. I
usually don’t take clients that late, but I’ll make an exception today. If
that’s all right with you, I’ll see you then.”
    “Yes, that’s fine. I’ll be
there. Thank you.”
    Swell, another night when
I’m going to have to ask Emily to take care of dinner. I won’t get back until
about the time dessert is served. Oh well, this takes precedence.
    She heard a knock on the
door and walked over and opened it. “Hi, Lisette. I thought you were busy with
appointments all afternoon. Please, come in.”
    “Mrs. Lucas, I’m between
appointments, but I wanted to let you know that Donna Morris is scheduled for
an appointment tomorrow morning at ten. I thought I’d tell you in person, so no
one would overhear. I told Delores that the Morris massage would be on your
account, and since you’ve done that before with friends of yours, she didn’t
question it. Do you want me to do anything else?”
    “No, Lisette, you’ve done
well. Please call me after her massage and let me know what you find out.
Again, thanks.”
    She looked at her watch
and saw she still had an hour before Emily would arrive. There was plenty of
time to call Roger and tell him what she’d found out. She knew he was usually
free around noon, even when he was involved in a trial.
    “Liz, I love it when I look at the
screen on my phone and your name and picture are on it. Makes my day!”
    “Thanks a lot, Roger. And
please feel free to continue with the sweet talk. It’s music to my ears!”
    “Wish I could, sweetheart,
but I only have so much time to eat lunch, prepare for the afternoon session of
the trial I’m in, and walk over to the courthouse. Pretend I’m sweet talking
and tell me what’s happening at the Red Cedar Spa.”
    “Roger, Gertie called me
last night. When I saw the message, it was too late to return the call. I
talked to her this morning, and I’d like your input on what she had to say. I
found it troubling.” She told him what Gertie had told her earlier about what
Jessica had overheard and also about the gun she’d discovered at Madame Dika’s.
    “Wow! I certainly find it
interesting that Anton keeps a .45 in his nightstand. And you know how I feel
about coincidences. Awfully coincidental that Leroy was killed with a .45 or

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