Getting It Right!

Free Getting It Right! by Rhonda Nelson

Book: Getting It Right! by Rhonda Nelson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Rhonda Nelson
vibrate in the back of his throat. “They are. On you,” he added softly.
    Her lips twitched with the effort not to smile. “So when did you start sailing?” she asked. “Is the Shutterbug a recent acquisition or have you had her awhile?”
    “I’ve had her awhile. A couple of years.”
    “So why the sudden interest?”
    Ben took a sip of his drink, relaxed more fully against the seat…and purposely into her. “A client, actually. I was commissioned to take pictures of his waterfront home and he insisted the bestshots could be achieved from the water. He was right, by the way,” Ben added. “At any rate, he had a thirty-one-footer, much like this one, and I got the bug.” He shrugged. “I loved it, being out on the water, harnessing the wind.” He looked back toward the ever-changing shoreline and let go a small sigh. “It’s peaceful, don’t you think?”
    Beside him he sensed April following his gaze. He felt her body deflate with a soft breath as she took in the various lights beginning to define the city’s skyline. Within a matter of minutes, dusk would make way for darkness and the whole town would be glowing before them. Ben didn’t speak, but waited for that moment. He slid an arm around her shoulders, tucking her more tightly against him, then absently doodled on her upper arm with his fingertip through the slinky fabric of her dress. The waves lapped at the hull, creating an intimate music around them.
    Finally, darkness fell and the city shone like a kaleidoscopic jewel nestled against the riverbank. April’s breath caught and she uttered a single “oh” of delighted pleasure.
    Ben’s own breath stalled as her joy mushroomed inside him. Being here with her, feeling the gentle rise and fall of her shoulder next to him,the warmth of her body—her very essence—had to be one of the most perfect things he’d ever experienced. It had been so long since he’d enjoyed anything close to genuine happiness, it took him several seconds to make the connection.
    He leaned in and nuzzled her neck, absorbing her scent, something sweet and musky and only hers. Gratifyingly, she shivered, and inclined her head to give him better access.
    Aha. He had her, Ben thought. Time to put her proper seduction into motion. The sooner she was primed, the sooner he’d be able to ease the ache in his loins, and more importantly, hers. That’s what this was about, he reminded himself.
    And he knew beyond a shadow of a doubt she’d be more than worth it.
    A PRIL’S EYES DRIFTED SHUT , momentarily blinding her to the New Orleans night sky, but making her aware in an altogether more intimate way. Though she couldn’t actually see Ben kissing her neck with her eyes, she could too easily picture him in her mind, those beautifully sculpted lips leisurely sampling hers.
    In her mind’s eye, she could see those wonderfully masculine hands—hands that had so competently worked the sails this evening, powering them out into this magical night—pushing into her hair, kneading her scalp. Every nerve ending in her body purred with pleasure and she could slowly but surely feel her brain turning to mush right along with her bones.
    “God, you smell good,” he murmured softly, his voice a deep intimate drawl. “I haven’t been able to get you out of my head. I even dreamed about you last night.”
    “Y-you did?”
    “I did.” He slid his hot tongue around the shell of her ear, eliciting another shivering quake. “I opened my back door and there you were. You were wearing a long sheer gown…with nothing underneath. I could see you, all of you, and you were—” he let out a reverent sigh “—stunning.”
    Mama mia, April thought. If this was what it felt like to be charmed by The Vagina Whisperer , then she was in for one helluva treat. Ben’s voice wound around her, lulling her cognitive senses while masterfully inflaming others. They were in their own little world—one of his making—embraced by a

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