SPARKS: The Smoke & Fire Series (Prequel Book 1)

Free SPARKS: The Smoke & Fire Series (Prequel Book 1) by Michele Wesley Page B

Book: SPARKS: The Smoke & Fire Series (Prequel Book 1) by Michele Wesley Read Free Book Online
Authors: Michele Wesley
cloak of fire. Although she knew it wouldn’t help, she pretended to
be asleep as she tightly gripped the covers. The knowledge that no one was
going to stop this vile act made her pray hard and out loud. “Please God, don’t
let this happen.”
    About to be devoured by a
monster, Sori cowered against the headboard; knees to chest, covers up to her
chin. Since her mind was the only thing she believed she could control, she
pretended she were standing outside her body. For a brief moment, she forgot about
what was about to happen.
    Bringing her out of the moment,
the covers were yanked from her hands. Sori didn’t have to act scared, she was
terrified. Tears slithered down her face like small angry snakes as her
trembling body scurried away from her attacker. Moving quickly to the other
side of the bed, she lost her balance and fell hard to the floor. Not caring
one bit about the fall, she slid under the bed in a mad dash to avoid her
attacker. It didn’t take but a second to be dragged by her leg from under the
bed. The carpet grabbed and tore at her skin, an active participant in her
    The man forcefully tossed her
sixty-five-pound body back on the bed.  He pounced on her fast, not giving her
time to think of a next move. Fighting to keep her pants and panties from being
pulled down, Sori fought her attacker as much as she could. Her hands had no
effect on the man as his devious smile filled her view.
    Tall and muscular, his big body
was unmoved by Sori’s useless fight. He ripped her top and pushed her hard,
causing her head to collide into the headboard. On the cusp of blacking out,
Sori fought through the pain threatening to take her under. If she let herself
fall into unconsciousness, there was no telling how much worse her abuse would
    All of a sudden, something unseen
and powerful shot through her body. Flooded with an untapped spark of power,
she shivered and went still.  The force of what traveled through her seemed to
make her attacker pause. Did he feel that too?
    During his brief pause, Sori
backed her body completely against the headboard, folding into herself as she
tried to hide the body part the man desperately wanted. She had no description
for the energy still flowing through her body. The currents frightened her just
as much as her attacker. Momentarily, she glanced at her foster parents. One
operated the camera as the other stood nearby, directing and shouting orders. 
Only the movement of their lips registered as Sori sat petrified.
    Pulling her forward by the foot,
as soon as the man had a good grip on Sori, he spun and pinned her against the
wall. Having no trouble holding her weight, the man was determined to get what
he wanted. Holding her by the throat, he yanked her lingerie bottoms down.
    Hopeless and helpless were minor
emotions in comparison to ache of despair Sori harbored as she struggled for
air. Her strangled plea was hardly audible, “Please don’t.” When the man
reached for her panties, something within her snapped. She screamed, “Noooo.”
She fought him as if he were about to take her life, as to her, he was. “No!
No! No!” She continued to scream. She swung her arms and legs wildly, kicking
and scratching whatever she came in contact with. The man dropped her, letting
her body hit the floor with a hard thud.
    Hearing her foster parents
laughing in the background sparked anger. There was nothing funny about her
situation. The man was about to take the only part of her innocence that hadn’t
been contaminated by the world.
    Her attacker came at her again,
but Sori had the presence of mind to scamper away from him. When he stood over
her and reached for her with both hands, Sori kicked one of his legs with both
of her feet. She put every ounce of her strength into the kick and to her
surprise, the man squealed in pain and fell to the floor as if truly hurt.
    Rodney and Debra’s laughing came
to an abrupt stop. Sori

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