Game For Love: Love Games (Kindle Worlds)

Free Game For Love: Love Games (Kindle Worlds) by Mara Jacobs

Book: Game For Love: Love Games (Kindle Worlds) by Mara Jacobs Read Free Book Online
Authors: Mara Jacobs
    Marlee could almost see a wince as he remembered the current state of his home.
    “Do you cook often?” Marlee couldn’t wrap her mind around the vision of big, bad football player Declan in a kitchen.
    “All the time. I love to cook. I had my kitchen specially designed. It was great.”  
    She smiled at him, picturing him in the kitchen. He smiled back, and then his gaze dropped to her mouth. Remembering their earlier kiss, she licked her lips.
    He let out a low growl, then said, “Come on, I need something to eat, and I need to get my hands on you.” Having near the same thoughts herself, she quickly headed for the coat rack and began throwing her notes into her satchel.
    They had a fast bite to eat at a diner just off campus, one of her favorite places to pick up something on her way home when she didn’t feel like cooking.  
      She was amazed at how many times Declan was interrupted for autographs. She knew he was a star athlete, but had not put it in everyday terms before. Young Boston College coeds openly propositioned him, and to Marlee’s delight he politely brushed them all off.  
    Marlee was stunned to realize one of the girls was a student who had four-pointed her theory of speech course last year. Marlee had assumed that the studious girl had a better head on her shoulders than to openly make a pass at a man she didn’t know. But then, was Marlee any better? She quickly let that thought drop from her mind. Declan had made the pass at her, right? She was merely responding in kind. Right, girlfriend, tell yourself another!
    Every time they had more than a few minutes of uninterrupted time, Declan would turn the talk to their immediate, and incredibly strong, attraction for each other. He was as blunt as he had been the previous night, telling her how attracted to her he was. He found the subject curious and wanted to deeply explore it. The topic flustered Marlee, but if she was honest with herself—and she had decided that throughout this little fling she would need to be honest with herself or risk being hurt—she was also very aroused. Declan’s casual comments of what he’d envisioned them doing earlier, as she stood behind the podium, seeped into her body, making it both languid and tense.
    “I know it’s the speaker who is supposed to envision the audience in their underwear, but darlin’, it was definitely the other way around today.”
    “Don’t laugh, I’ve used that technique.” She was trying to deflect the subject, but Declan wouldn’t allow it.
    “Maybe it has something to do with yesterday being my last game, how uncertain my future is, and how stable and secure you seem to be. I don’t know. I really don’t want to analyze it to death, Marlee, I just know that I want you. Badly.” As Marlee opened her mouth to comment on that, Declan cut her off. “And I know when attraction is mutual, so don’t deny what we’ve got going on, you’re hot for me too.”
    “You’re preaching to the choir, Declan.” Marlee ducked her head to avoid Declan’s impaling gaze as she confessed her mutual desire.
    “So, you agree there’s this incredible chemistry between us? You seemed to go back and forth last night.”
    “My perception on the subject did fluctuate enormously last night.”
    “There you go again with the big words. Marlee, can you just say that you want my bod?”
    “I want your bod.”
    “Check, please.”  
    They were silent as he drove them to her house, except for the few times Marlee needed to speak to give him directions. Declan didn’t speak for a couple of reasons.  
    He didn’t want to break the hypnotic spell they both seemed to be under since she’d told him she wanted him. He knew it, of course. Could tell from the sparks that had flown between them since they first shook hands at Cole’s introduction. It still felt great to hear her say it. Declan’s cock had leapt to attention at her pronouncement. And hadn’t subsided one

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