All In

Free All In by Gabra Zackman

Book: All In by Gabra Zackman Read Free Book Online
Authors: Gabra Zackman
might know something about the Silence, or the terrorists he sponsors. It’s the kind of groundwork we’ve always meant to do but never had the time for. The Casbah has become a breeding ground for terror cells, as well as a meeting place for international multidisciplinary criminals. I was kinda thinking the less you knew, the safer you were. But once again, I’ve totally misjudged you. I know you’re as sharp as a tack, you always see more than you let on, and I could use your eyes on this.”
    Lisa Bee was surprised by his words but more pleased than she would admit aloud. She felt that they all misjudged her and treated her like she couldn’t do anything more than office work. This was bullshit and she knew it, but she was extremely validated by hearing Jackson say it. Then her eyes widened as he reached for her beer and chugged it. “Sorry, hon. Needed some more liquid courage.” Then he paused, still unable to speak.
    “What’s wrong, Jackie?” Lisa Bee asked, looking concerned. She reached for his hand. “I mean, why have you been keeping shit from me? Are you sick or something?”
    “Yeah, that’s one way to put it.”
    “What’s bothering you? You’ve been acting so funny lately, and by ‘funny’ I mean a total ass, and I figured I should leave you alone till you talked to me.”
    He looked into her eyes and squeezed her hand, then broke into an awkward laugh. “I am a total ass, I think we both know that. It’s part of my charm. Here’s the thing, Bee . . . Well. All this time, we’ve been working together, we’ve been great friends, right? But I’ve been wonderin’ for a while if there were some more possibilities here.”
    Lisa Bee cocked her head. “I’m so sorry, honey. I have absolutely no idea what you’re talking about.”
    Jackson swallowed deeply, then squared his shoulders again. “Here’s the truth, goddammit . I think you are the hottest, raddest, coolest, baddest, fiercest babe I’ve ever known. I want you. I want to date you. I’ve felt this way for a while, and I haven’t said anything because you’ve been one fuck of a friend to me, and I don’t want to ruin it. But you only live once, right? So I don’t want to keep this quiet a second longer. And I see how you look at Mahmoud, and Mahmoud is awesome, that’s true, but you know what you need, babe? You need me. Me at my best. And that’s who I am when I’m with you.”
    Lisa Bee was taken completely off guard. She was shocked, confused, and speechless. She managed to choke out, “But you fuck everything that’s not nailed down, Jackie. You know I’m not like that.”
    He looked up, fierce determination in his eyes, and said, “That’s a bunch of bullshit, Bee. It’s just the face I show the world . . . a whole lot of talk. You’ve seen the real me. You know who I really am.”
    He would’ve said more, but the owner of the bar walked in, his “old friend” Hassan, and that was the end of that. Jackson went to speak with him in the back room, leaving Lisa Bee in the care of the bartender, another of Jackson’s old friends who said he happened to have a Madonna cassette that he would be happy to play for her. He also gave her a shot of whiskey, and as she drank it, she was grateful for a moment to think about what Jackson had said. It had honestly never occurred to her that they might be anything more than friends. She didn’t want to hurt his feelings, but he was just a player. Isn’t he? And what was all that bullshit about it being a whole lot of talk?
    As she listened to Madonna belting out “Cherish,” Lisa Bee got a second whiskey. Well, he was gorgeous. That was obvious. He was also totally masculine, with a toned, fit body, soulful eyes, and curly thick hair. But he also had a cool sensibility; he had a hipster feel and looked great in thrift store caps and old-school sneakers. Like those cool artsy boys she grew up with on the bayou. And he was wicked funny. And kind. When he isn’t

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