Exodus: The Windwalker Archive: Book 3 (Legends of Agora)

Free Exodus: The Windwalker Archive: Book 3 (Legends of Agora) by Michael James Ploof

Book: Exodus: The Windwalker Archive: Book 3 (Legends of Agora) by Michael James Ploof Read Free Book Online
Authors: Michael James Ploof
of the Innocent
    As a Vald of Volnoss, I learned to distrust the elves. With forked tongues we repeat what we do not know. But in heart of hearts I was curious about their magic. Now I feel kinship to them. On Volnoss I am one of few with spirit magic. Here on Elladrindellia I walk among peers.
    -Gretzen Spiritbone
    The Skomm, now free from the sickness that had plagued them, said their farewells to the elves and reluctantly boarded the boats that would bring them back to the two waiting ships. The elves had been excellent hosts, providing not only relief from ailments, but also food, drink, and clean garments. They had invited the Skomm to bath in their springs as well, which left the people looking and feeling as though they had been reborn. Many of the women left with intricate braids in their hair and a flower behind their ear. The men held their heads high, with eyes no longer hopeless and desperate, but rather with a light of hope.
    Talon stood on the dock and bade Gretzen goodbye once more; she had decided to stay with the elves for a time, even though she would soon be forbidden to see Azzeal.
    “You come see me again when you have found Akerri,” she said and surprised him with a kiss on the cheek.
    Azzeal shook Talon’s hand and also surprised him with a brotherly hug. “I have a gift for you. Something to keep you safe in the coming battle.” He handed Talon a sack that clanged with the tell-tale sound of armor.
    Talon peeked inside and saw the chain mail and leather. “Thank you. I wish I had something for you.”
    “Ah, but you have already given me so much. Until next time, Talon Windwalker. Walk with the sun in your face, and may Kyrr keep you well.”
    “Thank you for all you have done, Azzeal. I shall never forget you.”
    Next, Talon bowed before the queen and Zerafin, who stood with hundreds of elves behind them who had come to see their newfound friends off.
    “I wish you good luck in your quest to find your loved one and free the Skomm. Know that you have our blessing,” said the queen before handing him a bundle wrapped in leather.
    Talon’s heart leapt.
    “A gift,” said the queen.
    “But you have already given so much,” said Talon, though he took the bundle and slowly unwrapped it.
    Both Araveal and Zerafin looked on with a smile.
    Talon unwrapped the gift and marveled at the sheathed elven daggers. He pulled one out, and the blade sang out of its sheath with a sharp ringing. Runes covered the sides of the steel blades, which ended in a dark, leather-bound handle.
    “They are magnificent. Thank you, good Queen Araveal. I don’t know how we can ever repay you for all that you have done.”
    He offered another bow and boarded the sailboat with Argath and Eaglewind. As they sailed toward Freedom, Argath rested a hand on Talon’s shoulder and watched the waving crowd.
    “I see they let you keep the ring,” said Argath with a glance to Talon’s hand.
    “Yes, in the end I convinced them that I would do good with it.”
    “You’ve made us a powerful ally. Our people are now healthy and strong.”
    “Gretzen and I spoke about the revolution, and she brought up an interesting point. Where will we go? Once we’re free, I mean. And how are we even going to get that many Skomm off the island? Our two ships can hold less than a thousand, and Gretzen said that there are tens of thousands of Skomm.”
    “Once we get a large enough army and get the Vaka on our side, we won’t need to evacuate, we can simply take over Volnoss.”
    “ Simply take over Volnoss. Are you mad?” said Talon.
    “Yes,” said Argath with a wide grin. “Yes to both.”
    They reached Freedom and climbed onto the deck to the cheers of both the crew and the passengers. Cheers went up for Talon, and he was even hoisted up to ride on Crag’s shoulders as the big man danced around the deck.
    When the celebration finally died down, Captain Argath ordered the crew to drop sails and begin out of the

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