Finding His Mrs. Right (Mending Hearts Series)

Free Finding His Mrs. Right (Mending Hearts Series) by Cyndi Harris

Book: Finding His Mrs. Right (Mending Hearts Series) by Cyndi Harris Read Free Book Online
Authors: Cyndi Harris
    Taking a deep breath, I tried to mellow out, and listen to my best friend. My cell phone rung, so I hustled over, and grabbed it.
    “Hello?” I asked, answering it.
    “You’re limo awaits, Ms. Winters.” I heard Landon’s voice reply on the other end.
    “Limo?” I frowned confused.
    “Holy shit, he got you a limo!” Gwen shouted as she peeked through our curtains.
    “I’m outside, beautiful.” His low voice rumbled. “Don’t keep me waiting.”
    I swallowed a shaky breath as I hung up the phone.
    “There’s no way I can do this!” I shouted, freaking out.
    “Tessa, breathe.” Gwen replied, grabbing me by both arms, and I let out the breath I had sucked in.
    “What if I screw this up? I haven’t been on a date in years .” I stressed.
    “So what, Mr. CEO is definitely into you, so what’s the problem??” she pushed. “You like him too Tessa, admit it.”
    I nodded reluctantly because let’s face it; what she was saying was all truth. I was definitely into Landon, and from everything that had happened, I knew he was into me. You don’t just introduce a girl to your mother if you didn’t feel anything, and from what Ms. Brooks had said, Landon had never brought girls home. 
    “ You’re right.” I said, giving her a hug. Pulling up my big girl panties, I grabbed my purse and headed out.

    I had neve r been this nervous before, not even when I had sex for the first time. Something about Tessa Winters had driven me insane, and I couldn’t understand it. She was different from the many other girls who threw themselves at me. She was holding back, and that had left me wanting more. When we first met, she was so feisty, that I couldn’t stop thinking of her. I went home that night, pondering how fun working with her would be. Little did I know that Tessa would actually stick with me.
    Seeing her the next night had caught me by surprise, and so did the fact that I tugged her along to my charity event. I wasn’t the type of guy to do that, let alone kiss her in public. It was like I had been invaded by the body snatchers, and was letting a side of me , that I long deemed dead, to show. I hadn’t done PDA since high school, and liked it that way. Besides, I refused to be the guy to display my random hookups when my baby sister would see it plastered everywhere.
    No, I was the responsible, “Landon Brooks”, and that would be me to the end. Everyone, besides Tyler, knew the truth. No one needed to know the cracks beneath my surface.
    Standing outside the limo, I clenched my fists for the third time in less than two minutes. My palms were sweaty, and I didn’t want to wipe them on my black slacks. I was in a full on suit this time, and wasn’t going to lie, I thought I went too over the top. Having a limo, and fancy restaurant lined up wasn’t my style, but then again, this had been my first date in years . I didn’t want Tessa to feel like she was just some easy lay for me.
    As I stood there, all I could think of was me and Tyler’s conversation before I left…
    “You’re really ready for all this?” Tyler asked as I fidgeted with my tie, trying to get it perfect, as I stared in the mirror.
    “What, a date?” I asked raising an eyebrow, as I turned to him.
    “Yes. I mean, don’t get me wrong, I’m glad you’ve finally decided to “date” again, but you two being together has already stirred up news around town.” Tyler responded, and I shrugged.
    “I really like her.” I muttered.
    “You like her? Or do you want to just get her into bed, again? He asked, curious.
    “ What’s with the third degree?” I asked skeptical.
    “Just wondering is all.” He shrugged.
    “I took her to meet my mom.” I whispered, going over to grab my jacket.
    I didn’t want to see his face when my words hit his ears, and set in.
    “You did what?!” he shouted at me, and I cringed a little before turning around.
    “We had lunch , that’s all.” I shrugged, as if it wasn’t a big deal,

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