Secrets of the Red Box

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Book: Secrets of the Red Box by Vickie Hall Read Free Book Online
Authors: Vickie Hall
Voyager . Isn’t that wild?”
“Just like in the movies,” Christine sighed.
Bonnie gave a little laugh. “Except I don’t smoke. It was a little awkward, but I took the cigarette
so he wouldn’t be embarrassed. Anyway, we have a date for this Saturday.”
Christine picked up her tuna sandwich. “Oh, Bonnie, I’m so happy for you. If I weren’t waiting
for Joe, I’d ask if he had a brother on deferment.” She laughed and bit into the sandwich. ///////
Bonnie opened the phone book and ran her finger down the page. She found the listing she was
looking for and dialed it.
“Checker Cab, how may I help you?” said a staid voice over the line.
“Is Dave Miller there?”
“No, he doesn’t come in until eight.”
“Would you tell him to meet Bonnie at the secondhand store on Farnum tomorrow at four
“Bonnie…secondhand…Farnum…Saturday at four. Got it.”
“You’ll be sure he gets the message, won’t you?”
“Sure. I’ll give it to him as soon as he comes in.”
“Thank you.”
Bonnie waited outside the secondhand store, pacing slightly and checking her watch. The sky
had turned pewter and weighted clouds began to gather overhead. She wondered if Dave had found
her request more of a summons than an invitation. She hadn’t been specific about why he should
meet her. It hadn’t been her intention to see him again, but she was in need of transportation and
knew no one else with a car.
She looked at her watch again. It was nearly four o’clock. She crossed her arms and tapped her
long nails impatiently against her sleeves. A few telltale raindrops splashed on the sidewalk and
Bonnie backed up under the overhang of the door.
The ’38 Tudor cut a swath into a parking space, and Dave emerged wearing the familiar bomber
jacket. He smiled tentatively at Bonnie and joined her beneath the overhang. “What’s this all about?
Why are we at a secondhand store?”
Bonnie leaned toward him and clasped his arm with both hands. “I’m so glad to see you, Dave. I
was hoping you’d come.”
He looked at her dubiously and chuckled. “Well, Ihad to, didn’t I? It’s not every day I receive
such a cryptic message. I came out of curiosity, if for no other reason.”
Bonnie pressed her shoulder against his. “For no other reason?” she teased.
Dave smiled and admitted, “Well, Idid want to see you again.”
“I told you I’d call, didn’t I?”
She snaked her arm through his and gave him a demure smile. “I thought we might have dinner
tonight. But first I need some help.”
“What kind of help?”
“I bought a few used items and I need some help getting them into my new apartment. I hoped
you wouldn’t mind lending me a hand.”
“My help and my car?” he jabbed.
Bonnie leaned back and pouted. “Now don’t be like that, Dave. Ineeded help and you were the
first person I thought of.” She retrieved her arm and turned. “Look, if you don’t want to help, then
just say so—”
Dave reached out and caught her by the elbow, urging her back to him. “I didn’t say I wouldn’t
Bonnie smiled and held out her hand to him. “There are just a few things. I’ve already paid for
them, so all we have to do is load them into the car.”
Dave shook his head and took her hand. “All right. I can’t resist a damsel in distress.”
Bonnie flicked her lashes and sent him a flirtatious smile. “So I see.”
The cavernous trunk was loaded with an undersized drop leaf table, two ladder-back chairs, a
small coffee table, and a floor lamp. Dave secured the load with a piece of rope supplied by the man
in the store while Bonnie dumped a box of dishes and cookware in the back seat.
A rumble of thunder shook the ground and reverberated between the tall downtown buildings
like the sound of stampeding buffalo. The clouds finally released their pent-up burden and great
sheets of rain pelted the city with a vengeance. The gutters filled with rain water as lightning fired to

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