
Free Barry by Kate Klimo

Book: Barry by Kate Klimo Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kate Klimo
spiffy. Getting a Saint Bernard into the backseat of a car is no small feat, either. They drool, and both short- and long-haired varieties shed.
    And then there is the reason why, in older times, only the rich owned Saint Bernards: food. Dogs are fed according to their weight. A 180-pound healthy Saint Bernard eats about six to eight cups of dry food per day. And don’t forget that the more food a dog takes in, the more poop comes out the other end. Scooping the poop of a Saint Bernard is not a chore for the faint of heart. But remember—Saint Bernards are sweet and gentle, and with a Saint Bernard, there’s more dog to love.
    For more information about owning a Saint Bernard, visit:
    • saintbernardclub.​org/​2008redesign/​newtosaints/​new2saints.​htm

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