The Road to Round Mountain: The Betrayal by

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Book: The Road to Round Mountain: The Betrayal by by C.G. Roberts Read Free Book Online
Authors: C.G. Roberts
Tags: Ebook
 “What do you think the difference was between the glass and the TV”? I mulled it over for a second and replied, “The only thing I can think of was I really wanted to watch Criminal  Minds, and Hellraiser, but the glass, not so much”. That’s all  I could come up with knowing that I really didn’t want the

    glass, but the other two things I did.
    “I think there may be a pattern here, of things that interest you and those that don’t, so try and remember Billy Speer,  that everything we try is for your growth, so let’s focus the  thought of everything that I ask you to do is something that  you really want okay”. Sounded a little corny, but alright. “So  you want me to fake it”? “Basically yes, now let’s try again,  and focus around the thought that you really want the glass”.
    This is starting to become a lot like school, excel in classes I like, and flounder in classes that bore the hell out of me.  Enough of that, time to focus, concentrate, okay hold my  hand out, and focus on the glass, nothing but the glass. So  far so good,   I want that glass to get in my hand now!   Wow, the  glass jetted towards my hand as if someone had thrown it at  me. It went right in my hand, but I was so startled, I dropped  it before I could get a grip around it.
    “Not bad”, Nurse Mattie said giving me the thumbs up  sign. She picked the glass up from the side of the bed where  it landed, and walked it back over to the mobile tray. “Now  this time do the same thing, except don’t become startled”.  Once again I nodded as if mute, but here we go, focus, concentrate, hand out, ready,   I want that glass in my hand now!   Once again it flew across the room, but this time I was ready  for it. As it made its way to my hand, I waited for the glass  to hit the palm of my hand, then I successfully clamped my  hand around it, almost like a catcher reeling in a fastball, my  Dad would have been proud.
    A quiet round of applause from Nurse Mattie was her  way of showing she was pleased with my results, as was I.  “Very nice, very nice indeed”, she held her hand out for the

    glass, I obliged her request and she took the glass and put  it back on the tray. As she turn back towards me, “this time  put the ping pong ball in the glass”. I was going to ask why,  but I’m sure the answer would make my head hurt again, so  onward we go.
    “This time put all of your efforts into the ball going  into the cup, be firm, forceful, and focused”. She came back  over by the bed and pulled a pair of rubber gloves out of her  smock. I was beginning to think that her smock was magic for every time she put her hand into one of the pockets,  she always managed to pull something out. She managed  a phone, two cans of Dr. Pepper, countless pairs of gloves,  and of course the glass, ping pong ball, and the bag of nacho  cheese Doritos. The depth of these pockets seemed endless.
    Nurse Mattie handed me the gloves to put on which I  did. I wasn’t quite sure who this was supposed to protect, me  or the ball. After snapping the gloves on Nurse Mattie began, “Just to satisfy my own curiosity, if you’re having trouble  with the ball, see if guiding it with your hands will help”. I  must have given her a puzzled look. “Just humor me okay”.
    This one might prove to be a bit tricky, but here goes.  Focus, concentrate,   Pin Pong ball go into the glass,   the ball  rolled back and forth for a second and then nothing.   Ping  Pong ball go into the glass now!   The ball flew right on the side  of the glass, and bounced around the room for a bit. This was  getting frustrating. “Billy, if you would, use your hand as if it  were a guide to place it in the glass”. Nodding in agreement  as she put the ball back on the tray, I watched the ball the  entire time, trying to get my focus. I wanted that damn ball  in the glass so bad I could taste it.

    Raising my arm

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