towards the window again for guidance, I mulled that one over. “No it didn’t exactly explode, but as soon as I yelled at it, the screen cracked and everything on the inside popped along with a lot of smoke, then kind of a muffled pop, and then nothing, except for the smoke”. “My parents resigned to the fact that it was old and left it at that, I don’t recall any other event or instance like you’re talking about”. Her smile returned, “Well Billy Speer that is just what I’m looking for. You obviously had this in you and it took a bit of anger to get some of it to come out”. Nurse Mattie got up from the chair and paced about the room. “What it looks like is you’ve always had the ability knocking on the door to come out, and I believe after you got hit by lightning, it opened that door ready to gush out. This is where I come in to help with managing or to help harness your power, so you can learn how to use it, and remain safe,
as well as others around you”.
I felt I was handed a Triton and told to be careful and try not to kill anybody. Watch out, touch me and die, or make me angry and die, what a horrific cast of options I have at my disposal. My headache was coming back and I doubted if it was going to go away anytime soon.
nurse mAttIe stArted taking objects out of her smock as she walked over to where the mobile tray was and places them on top. Directly above the tray Criminal Minds continued on TV though my interest waned. On the tray was a glass, a ping pong ball, and a bag of nacho cheese Doritos. Needless to say I was unsure what to make of these items, and what Nurse Mattie’s intention for them was. She turned
from the tray and made her way along the wall as if not to get too close to me. Reaching in her smock pocket she pulled out her smart phone. That made sense, she didn’t want her phone to fry. Tapping what sounded like Morse code on her phone she looked up at me.
“I noticed you were able to maneuver the TV when I came in here, is this the channel that was on”? She was on to me, or maybe I’m just paranoid, but about what I wasn’t sure. “You got me, I did change the channel, mainly to get rid of the News, and I knew what channel Criminal Minds was on. It took me a couple of tries, but I got it to change”. “Oh, I also got the overhead lights to go off and on”. Her smile widened with pleasure. “I see that you’ve been busy, but…..” she looked down at her phone for a second, “Do you like The HellRaiser Movies”?
Being a dark soul I perked up for this one. “Definitely, is it the first one”? Even us gore aficionados have our standards for the originals. “It most certainly is and is just now starting
on channel 49. Remember to focus your attention on the task at hand, the TV, try to imagine what would make you angry and channel that energy towards the TV. Remember you must control the anger”. I replied, “And don’t be seduced by the dark side”. Nurse Mattie gave me a sneer of disapproval, “I’m not sure what you’re referring to”. “Sorry I try to throw a Star Wars reference her and there when I can”.
That answer did not remove the sneer. Some people just are not Star Wars fans, oh well. I was able to change the channel on the TV, but it took a couple of tries so maybe I should try it her way. “Remember to focus all of your at-tention on the TV and nothing else. Block out everything else around you, it’s just you and the TV”. Okay, I got this, focus, focus, channel my anger. It would be tough to think of things that make me angry. Then it came to me, think of Dr. Bangors face that ought to do it. Here we go, concentrate, focus on the TV, picture the DR’s face in my mind……. TV turn to channel 49 now! And there it was, the opening credits
for Hellraiser, cool.
I was somewhat concerned about what Nurse Mattie
Lindzee Armstrong, Lydia Winters