Miss Match

Free Miss Match by Lindzee Armstrong, Lydia Winters

Book: Miss Match by Lindzee Armstrong, Lydia Winters Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lindzee Armstrong, Lydia Winters
Tags: Romance
emergency meeting, and your presence is requested. I figured you hadn’t checked your email again and didn’t know. Since you apparently had a few nightcaps after I left last night, I couldn’t wake you up by conventional means. Get dressed. We don’t want to be late.”
    Luke sank back against his sheets, then sat bolt upright as the water seeped into his shirt. “My bed’s all wet now.”
    “Talia, make sure the housekeeper knows to change Luke’s sheets when she stops by today,” Mitch said.
    “Sure, Snitch. I’ll tell her. Do you want me to start the shower for you, Luke?”
    “Yes,” Mitch said.
    “I was talking to Luke, Snitch.”
    Mitch rolled his eyes. “When are you going to get that glitch fixed?”
    “Start the shower, Talia.” Luke stood, pressing his feet into the heated carpet in a vain attempt to get warm. “I’m freezing.”
    “I’m dead serious about this one, Luke. You want to be at this meeting.”
    Luke scowled, then wandered into his master bath and shut the door with a click. Steam from the hot water already filled the room. Luke quickly undressed and stepped under the spray. He doused his head, relishing the warmth returning to his body.
    This had to be about the gala. Had Nathan decided to press charges after all? That was the only disaster that could necessitate an emergency meeting. The company stock was still not great, but it hadn’t dropped significantly since the initial dip. They weren’t struggling with the release of any new products. Luke seriously doubted this was about a product recall.
    It had to be the gala. It was the only explanation that made sense.
    Luke frowned, vigorously shampooing his hair. He shouldn’t have to explain his personal business to a stodgy board of directors. What had happened between him and Nathan had nothing to do with Ryder Communications. Bunch of old geezers.
    Mitch pounded on the bathroom door. “Time to get out, Luke.”
    “Can it,” Luke said.
    “I’ll tell Talia to shut it off if you don’t hurry.”
    Luke sighed. He could turn the water back on, of course, but he didn’t want to engage. “Off, Talia,” he said. The spray instantly disappeared. He toweled dry, then slipped into a clean pair of boxers.
    Luke wandered back into his bedroom. A suit lay across his bed, with a matching shirt, tie, and shoes. A crisply folded pocket square even waited to be placed in the front breast pocket of the jacket.
    “You picked out my clothes?”
    “You need to look like a professional today, not a frat boy with a hangover. Besides, we’re in a hurry. We’re leaving in five.” Mitch stalked out of the room and slammed the door.
    A pit of worry congealed in Luke’s stomach, and he quickly dressed. He opened the bedroom door four minutes later to see Mitch leaning against the hallway wall, still scowling. “Let’s go,” Mitch said.
    Luke followed Mitch to the penthouse’s foyer, where the private elevator waited for them. “You want to tell me what this is about?”
    The elevator door pinged opened, and the attendant greeted them with a smile. They rode to the lobby in complete silence. Luke nodded to the doorman, and they exited the building and climbed into a waiting car.
    “I really wish you would’ve held it together at the gala, man,” Mitch said.
    “I’ve already explained myself.”
    “I know.” Mitch rubbed his head. “There are some things I need to tell you before we get to the meeting.”
    “Out with it, Mitch.”
    “There’s been a lot of talk the last few months, especially since Rick . . . They’re talking about replacing you as CEO.”
    Luke’s eyes widened, and he swore. “How could you keep this from me?”
    “It was just talk, and you were going through stuff.” Mitch sighed, rubbing a hand over his face. “It was mostly the newer guys blowing off steam because they’re pissed about picking up the slack. ‘Can Luke hack it as CEO?’ That sort of thing. They all think you’re too young and

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