Her Prada Cowboy: McCulloch County Series #1

Free Her Prada Cowboy: McCulloch County Series #1 by Sabel Simmons

Book: Her Prada Cowboy: McCulloch County Series #1 by Sabel Simmons Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sabel Simmons
massive office with a boardroom table, flat screen television, the works. 
Chris Parker, the Operations Director and the owner’s cousin, has been
assisting her with setting up a full operational department.  Shannon had a
full department to run with the project.
    “Chris, you do realize that this is
not all I will be doing.  I still have a full time job with Global Media.”
    “Yes, I am aware of that.  Jarrod
might want to talk to you about that in more detail though.”
    “Where is the elusive Mr. Jarrod
    “He has been busy with some other
projects.  He asked that you meet him tomorrow.”
    “Tomorrow?  On Saturday?”
    “Yes, would that be a problem?”
    “No, it is just that my sister and her
family will arrive in Austin over the weekend and … but don’t worry about it. 
I’ll get to see them as often as I want from now on.”
    “Good.  He will send his chopper to
pick you up from your apartment roof, around ten.”
    The chopper was right on time and the
pilot came to meet her where she stood waiting just outside the stairway door leading
onto the roof.
    “Miss Davis, I am Rocco Hill.  Are you
    She nodded and he took her elbow,
leading her to the chopper.  He indicated back or front and she smilingly
nodded to the front.  They were in the air within minutes.  It was an amazing
experience. Shannon has never been in a helicopter and this was a powerful,
sleek and well equipped one.
    “How long till we reach … where are we
    “Not far.  We should be there in just
over forty minutes. Enjoy the view.  You should see a number of wild herds of
buffalo and horses once we’re past the city boarders.”
    “You don’t have the accent.”
    “I am not from Texas.  I hail from
Europe.  I was down and under.  I could not find a job and Mr. Parker gave me a
chance four years ago.  I have not looked back once.”
    “Don’t you miss Europe or your
    “I have no family there, therefore
there are no strings that make me long for Europe per se.  I am happy here.  I
met my wife here, we’ve been married for three years and we have a two year old
    “I’m glad he gave you a chance then.”
    “People say he is ruthless and maybe
in business he is, but he is a very good man.  The type you don’t come across
very often.”
    They fell silent after that and
Shannon enjoyed the view.  Jay’s estimation the day they met about her sense of
direction was not too far off.  At this moment, she had no idea in which
direction they were going.  For all she knew, they could be on their way back
to LA!
    She noticed an airstrip and what was
clearly a private ‘airport’ ahead of them.  She realized they must be at Jarrod
Parkers’ ranch.  There was a silver luxury SUV parked in front of the hangar
and Shannon’s heartbeat increased.  She sincerely hoped Jarrod Parker and her hit
it off well.  If she uprooted her whole life and it did not work out, she was
going to be mighty peeved off!
    Rocco ran around the chopper and
opened the door for her.  She jumped down and he laughed when her hair was
immediately caught in the down thrush of the blades.  He turned and indicated she
should walk backwards.  That way the wind would not affect her too much. It
worked and she laughed feeling silly walking backwards.
    Rocco turned and his smile widened.
    “Hi Jarrod.  Package delivered in one
piece.  What time should I collect her again?”
    “Not to worry, Rocco.  I will … hey
stop that … Doll face!”
    “Jarrod Parker!  You … you … bastard! 
I will kill you … come back here, you coward!”
    “Miss Davis stop!  You can’t attack …
hey … those heels look dangerous!”
    “Then stay out of the way.   Move
Rocco!  Stop hiding behind your staff, you … you good for nothing …”
    Jarrod physically moved Rocco out of
the way, when Shannon lunged at him with her one spiky heeled shoe above her
head.  He held his hands up in a defeated

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