
Free Lucinda by Paige Mallory

Book: Lucinda by Paige Mallory Read Free Book Online
Authors: Paige Mallory
didn’t know what kind of wife Marilynn was, but Lucinda was going to see to it that Henry didn’t regret marrying her.
    An hour later she called him to come and eat, and was pleased when he complimented her cooking.  After he checked on the patients again, he picked up a dish towel and dried dishes for her.  “I know the telegraph lines are down right now, but when they are restored, I want you to send your parents a wire and let them know you are safe… and tell them of our marriage.”
    “I doubt they will care, Henry.  Father won’t acknowledge it in any way since I married you without his consent and approval.”
    “You are of legal age, and just because he is a stubborn man, does not make it okay for you to behave badly.  It is the proper thing to do, so we will do what is right and inform them of our marriage.”
    Lucinda made a face, but she didn’t argue with him.
    “I am sure you want to unpack your clothing and belongings,” he said quietly.  “I’ll show you where you can put everything.”  He led the way into the bedroom and Lucinda was surprised there were so many empty drawers in the vanity and dresser, and the wardrobe had plenty of room for her dresses.  “You can arrange things to suit yourself, Lucy.  This is your home now, too.  I won’t mind if you change things around.  When your trunk is empty, let me know and I’ll carry it to the attic.”
    “Oh, do you rent that as well?” she asked innocently.
    “I own the building, Lucy.  I rent out the stores below to Conrad and Abe.  I didn’t want to worry about getting kicked out once I set up a practice, and there was enough room to have living quarters and my office… so I bought the building,” he explained.  “Do you mind living above the stores below?  If you do, I can get a house for us…?”
    “Henry, you don’t need to start making all kinds of changes for me.  I’m fine, really.”
    “Your house in Boston was nice, though,” he commented quietly, “and Snowfall is pretty uncivilized compared to what you are used to.”
    “I’m pretty uncivilized compared to most of the ladies my age in Boston,” she giggled.  “Things and money aren’t all that important to me, Henry.  I care about people, and to tell the truth, I knew I wouldn’t be welcomed back to my Father’s home once I left.  Proper young women don’t pick up and run off out west by themselves.  I am happy to be free of that, and Father’s prospects of marriage for me.  However, I am still surprised at how prudish Miss McCrae is!  I thought I’d left all of that back in Boston and the people here would have more common sense.”
    “Miss McCrae’s problem is that she hasn’t had a spanking in more years than she can count!”  To his surprise Lucinda giggled.  “You think that’s funny, do you?” he teased.
    “I’d pay someone to spank her!” she admitted, and then said, “If you truly don’t need me, then I would like to do a bit of shopping?  I still have some money left, and I need to get a couple of things.”
    “Fine.  Don’t go near the tents at the end of town, Lucy.  There are people here I don’t know.  You should be safe enough if you stay close by.”  He reached for her as she nodded, and took her hand and pulled her to face him.  “I mean it, Lucy.  You are not to go further than the general store, or right around this area by yourself.  Don’t disobey me or you’ll quickly learn I am a man who believes in spanking a disobedient wife.  And, I haven’t forgotten that I owe you a spanking for setting foot in that saloon this morning!” he scowled.
    “You’d better not try and spank me again, Henry Zabarski!  I’m already too sore to sit down!” she felt her temper stir.
    “Then best you mind me, Lucy, and stay close to home.  If you get into trouble, I’ll set your fanny on fire and I won’t care how sore you already are,” he promised.
    “You are my husband, not my father, and I would

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