Love at First Bite (Book 1 Just a Little Taste Series)

Free Love at First Bite (Book 1 Just a Little Taste Series) by Scarlett Jade Page B

Book: Love at First Bite (Book 1 Just a Little Taste Series) by Scarlett Jade Read Free Book Online
Authors: Scarlett Jade
take her here. “Sasha?”
    She moaned softly in her throat. “Yeah?”
    He stroked her breasts softly. “You okay?”
    “Hell yes. Why are you stopping?” She looked at him in exasperation.
    He laughed. “Cupcake, I am not taking you out here. You said you were a virgin, am I right? You deserve your first time to be somewhere special.”
    “Virgin or not, I want you.” She pulled him to her.
    “No, Sasha. I want it to be better than this for you.” He kissed her warm and willing mouth.
    She smiled. “But I get what I want, when I want.”
    He brushed her hair back. “Not this time, Cupcake. Let me get you dressed. I'd be glad to make you scream like that again at the apartment, but I'm cutting you off right now.” He kissed her again and helped her put her bra back on and zip up her dress.
    “Shouldn't we clean up this mess?” She looked around then murmured, “I can't find my panties...”
    He groaned a little. “No, Cupcake. I will send someone to take care of this, and don't worry about your panties. You don't need them.” She shivered at his wicked words.
    The car was waiting on them, the driver nonchalantly looked straight ahead as the disheveled Sasha climbed in. “Where to, Mr. Parks?”
    “Home.” The privacy window went up. Sasha looked at him and flushed. He put his arm around her and pulled her close, kissing the top of her head. “Don't be shy with me now.”
    She played with the buttons of his shirt. “I'm not, just thinking about what we just did.”
    “Which part? Me licking you til you screamed?” She glanced up at him quickly and flushed hot. “Ah, I thought so. I take it you enjoyed it?”
    “It was okay.” She shrugged.
    “Just okay? Well, next time I'll have to do better, won't I?” He nibbled her ear lobe, which turned into a steamy makeout session. When they stopped at the apartment, he calmly smoothed his hair, and opened the door for them. They got in the elevator and acted like nothing had happened between them. She giggled. He smiled. Once on the top floor, he grabbed her hand. “Now, how about making you scream until you can't scream anymore?” He pulled her to his bedroom.
    She kicked off her shoes and he helped her unzip her dress and unhook her bra. Soon, she was totally naked in front of him. She stepped forward to unbutton his shirt and kiss his neck. He growled and ripped the shirt the rest of the way open, buttons scattering on the floor. He pulled his trousers off and his cock sprang free, standing at full mast. She bit her lip nervously.
    “All you have to say is stop, Sasha. You're in control.” He touched a finger under her chin. She smiled confidently.
    “I'm not scared.” She twined her arms around his neck and they kissed slowly. He ran his hands down her back, cupping her ass. He pulled one of her long legs up around his waist, then lifted her around his hips. She twined her legs around him. He felt her wetness on the shaft of his cock and he groaned deep in his throat.
    “Sasha, you feel so unbelievably good.” He nipped her shoulder. He turned and eased her down on the bed. She kept her legs wrapped around him. The head of his dick rubbed against her clit and she cried out in pleasure. “Unwrap your legs.” Her legs flopped down at his sides. “No, Cupcake.” He put her legs up on his shoulders. She sat up and rested on her elbows, looking at him curiously. He pushed her down and buried his face in her. He licked and suckled her clit until she was moaning and mewing again. When he knew she was at the edge, he slipped one finger inside her and she shattered, screaming his name and shaking all over. He felt her clench around his finger and her juices flow out. He withdrew his finger and licked her quivering pussy one more time, making her moan in pleasure. “Sasha, I want to make love to you.”
    “Yes, please.” She groaned. He stood and grabbed a condom out of his nightstand drawer and positioned the head of his throbbing cock at the

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