My Lady Vixen

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Book: My Lady Vixen by Connie Mason Read Free Book Online
Authors: Connie Mason
distant cousin, the money and title he kept for various reasons.”
    “So this is how it is to end,” Alexa stated with finality. “I’ll never see him again. Did … did he leave a message for me.”
    “No, milady, I’m sorry.”
    “No need to be sorry, Mac.” Alexa smiled a parody of a smile. “I believe he left his message loud and clear last night.”
    Alexa thought of the cold, perfunctory way Adam had made love to her last night, and what he was trying toconvey to her. His callous actions revealed to her that she was little more to him than a warm body, that his only interest in her was her close relationship to John Ashley, her father. Through her Adam was finally able to avenge his own father’s death. Now he was free to go on with his life, forgetting Alexa as if she never existed. Little did he know that he was leaving a part of him behind. Already she felt possessed by the child she carried beneath her heart.
    Dragging in a deep breath; Alexa controlled her trembling and left the room. Behind her Mac cursed the day he met Adam Foxworth and agreed to his harebrained scheme.
    Halfway up the stairs, Alexa froze, every nerve-ending tingling with a new discovery. There was one chance, albeit a remote one, that Fox had fathered her child, not Adam!

    Because of her unorthodox garb Alexa was grateful to Mac for hiring a closed conveyance to take her to her father’s house. Aware of the fact that the London season had just begun. Alexa knew her father would be at their townhouse located on a fashionable square surrounded by a green park. She prayed desperately that her arrival would pass unnoticed for soon enough her name would be on the tongue of every scandalmonger in London.
    When they arrived at the gates of the huge two-story mansion. Mac insisted he accompany Alexa to the door, but she quickly disabused him of that notion. “No, Mac,” Alexa shook her dark head. “It’s best for all concerned that you not be seen. I have no idea how my father will react or what he might do.”
    “He won’t harm you, will he?” Mac asked anxiously. According to Adam, John Ashley was the devil’s own disciple.”
    “I’m his only child, Mac,” Alexa assured him confidently.“He won’t punish me for something over which I had no control.”
    Mac was not at all certain about that, but had no recourse but to allow Alexa her own way. “All right, Alexa, you know your father best. But if you should need me for any reason I’ll be staying at the Stag and Horn for two weeks before I leave London.”
    “Will … will you be seeing Adam any time soon?” Alexa could not help but ask. She could have bit her tongue once the words were out of her mouth and she turned her face aside before she noticed Mac’s pitying look.
    “I don’t think so, Alexa. But if I should do you wish me to convey a message to him?”
    “No,” Alexa lied unconvincingly. “The sooner I forget him and get on with my life the better. I’m certain Charles and I will be married once he learns I have returned.”
    Her words were spoken so bravely, with such conviction, that Mac felt compelled to place a tender kiss on her forehead. “Be happy, milady.”
    There was great sadness in his eyes as he watched Alexa’s small form leave the carriage, and Mac knew he could remain no longer. From the first moment he laid eyes on Alexa he had lost his heart to her. Had he been on the same social level with her he would have offered marriage rather than return her as Adam ordered. But he knew his dreams were impossible. He was but one son among ten offspring of poor Irish immigrants. He could offer Alexa nothing but his love. Better she should marry her Charles and take her rightful place among her peers. Had he known from the beginning how deep his feelings ran for the beautiful Alexa he would never had allowed Adam to carry out his devious plan to avenge his father’s death through the innocent body of LadyAlexa. Friend or not, Mac

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