My Lady Vixen

Free My Lady Vixen by Connie Mason

Book: My Lady Vixen by Connie Mason Read Free Book Online
Authors: Connie Mason
stared somewhat pensively out the window, Only it wasn’t Adam. Almost immediately Alexa realized her mistake. Their muscular forms were nearly alike but there the similarity ended. The unruly mop of red hair could belong to no one but Mac.
    Something must have alerted Mac to Alexa’s presence for he whirled to face her, his bright blue eyes twinkling merrily at the sight of her lovely face. He opened his arms wide and Alexa had no compunction about flying into them.
    “Oh, Mac,” she sighed, “it’s so good to see you again! When did you arrive! Does Adam know you’re here? Where is he? Not off on one of his mysterious trips, I hope.”
    Mac laughed, happy and relieved to see Alexa looking so well. Adam had not lied to him. He had done Alexa no harm. “One question at a time, milady. I arrived last night and I’ve already seen and spoken to Adam early this morning.”
    “Is … is Fox here also?” Alexa couldn’t help but ask.
    Mac eyed her curiously. “No, I’m here alone.”
    Alexa bit her tongue to keep from inquiring further into Fox’s whereabouts. Instead, she asked, “What are you doing here? Where is Adam?”
    “I’m here at Adam’s request. Lady Alexa.” Alexa’s heart rose like a stone in her breast.
    “He’s gone, isn’t he?” To her dismay, her voice broke slightly and a shadow of alarm touched her face. Every fiber in her body warned her what was coming next and she steeled herself against the impact by sitting in a chair, her thin fingers tensed in her lap.
    A look of tired sadness passed over Mac’s features. “Aye, Alexa, he’s gone. I’m to take you back to your father.”
    A flash of wild grief ripped through her, and when she lifted her eyes, the pain still lingered. Beneath his breath Mac cursed Adam a hundred times over for hurting this young, innocent girl.
    “It’s what you want, isn’t it?”
    Biting her lip she looked away and stirred uneasily in her chair. Her composure was a fragile shell around her and she measured her words carefully. “Of course I want to return home. It’s what I’ve always wanted.”
    “Good.” Mac smiled uncertainly, though her brave words did not fool him one bit. He could read in Alexa’s eyes the truth of her feelings for Adam. That damn fool had somehow made Alexa fall in love with him. Mac wondered if Alexa knew the extent of her own feelings for Adam. “How soon can you be ready?”
    “I’m ready now.” She shrugged carelessly. What did it matter when she left? “But if Fox isn’t here, how will we leave? By coach?”
    “I have a ship, milady. A captured British frigate. Fox has been so active in these waters the past three months that
The Gray Ghost
is too easily recognized and he daresnot venture into London Harbor as he did previously. It was agreed that I should escort you home. I … I renamed my ship. I call it the
A,” he said shyly. “I hope you don’t mind.”
    Alexa smiled warmly. “Of course I don’t mind, Mac. It was thoughtful of you. I’ll be proud to sail aboard my namesake.”
    “Er … I hope you have something more suitable to wear, milady. I’m afraid my men would forget their duties if you were to come aboard dressed like that.”
    Only then did Alexa give a thought to the inadequacy of her attire. She blushed hotly at the warm look kindling in Mac’s eyes as he swept her thinly clad form from head to toe, liking what he saw. “I … I still have the sailor’s garb Adam gave me. I’ll change immediately.”
    Alexa was out of the chair and nearly to the door when she turned to face Mac, asking, “About Adam. He’s with Fox, isn’t he?”
    Mac nodded solemnly. “Fox was ordered back to American waters by Captain Jones and Adam went with him. The search for Fox was becoming too heated for the Captain’s liking. As for Adam, it was past time for him to return to his home.”
    “What about his inheritance?”
    “He never intended to remain long in England. He signed the lands over to a

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