Forget Me Not (Phased Moonlight Series Book 2)

Free Forget Me Not (Phased Moonlight Series Book 2) by Kasey Thompson

Book: Forget Me Not (Phased Moonlight Series Book 2) by Kasey Thompson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kasey Thompson
                  She raked her sharp nails down his chest, ripping the thin fabric of his shirt. He threw the ruined garment away from his body, and she tended to the marks she’d left on his skin, kissing trails of soothing desire to stop the sting.
    Koda stopped her when she reached just above the waistband of his shorts, gripping the tops of her arms. “Sera,” he said, his breath ragged, “we have to stop.”
                  “Why?” She frowned, tracing the hard planes of his chest and stomach with her nail.
    He shivered at the tingling sensation her fingers left. He picked her up and moved her away from him, like sitting a china doll on a shelf to admire it. “Sera, you test my resolve. If we continue, I won’t be able to stop, and you must remain pure from me for the binding ceremony.”
                  Sera huffed and crossed her arms. “It’s just not fair,” she said, jutting her lip out and stomping her foot like a spoiled toddler. “Jackson and Trisha got to get it on.”              
                  Koda laughed and rubbed his face. “Well, they aren’t alphas. As leaders, we must show that our lust for each other will not govern our decisions. We’ll be joined soon, before our goddess and our pack. Then we will finally be able to enjoy each other.”
                  Sera smiled and nodded. She looked up at the full moon, and a devilish smile drew her lips up. “Go on a run with me, mate,” she whispered, allowing her wolf control.
                  Koda’s own wolf stepped forward as he sensed the presence of his mate. Slowly, she undressed in front of him, her wolfish gaze never leaving his. She smiled at him before phasing into her wolf.
    Koda smiled at the large white and red wolf. He inclined his head to look into her eyes when she stepped closer to him. He stroked the red strip on her fur, loving the feel of it. “I have done some research on your unique fur. There are hundreds of legends regarding red markings. Some say it is the mark of evil, that it identifies a wolf as a demon sent to destroy us.”
                  Sera whined, nudging his stomach with her head.
                  “Others say it is the mark of the goddess, that she, herself, has laid her hand on that wolf to bless it. I believe  you have been touched by the goddess, my love.”
                  She gave a gentle yelp, nipping at his pants.
    He smiled and slipped out of his jeans. He called on his wolf, shedding his human skin. She made a cooing sound and rolled onto her back to expose her stomach to him.
    He growled at the sign of submission but nudged her up. “You are my equal, mio amore.”
                  She rubbed up against him affectionately.
                  “Shall we run, mate?”
                  Koda gave a playful growl and took off into the trees, leaving his worries in the dust.
    * * *
                  The next day seemed to fly by in a matter of minutes. Sera threw a torch into a large bonfire in the front of the pack house. As the moon rose high in the sky, she felt the pull on her wolf to run and hunt. Normally, she would have given into the temptation, but her run with Koda had relieved a lot of pent-up energy.
                  Faith’s arms wrapped around her shoulders, making her smile. “This is amazing, Sera! I wish I could stay here forever.”
                  “Me too,” Sera agreed.
                  “So… Is there anyone I haven’t met?”
                  “There are a few members who live off the island, but I don’t think you’ll have a chance to meet them.”
                  “Uh…yeah, as in, um…f-family members,” Sera stuttered, trying not to be too obvious.
                  “Oh! I

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