This Love of Mine (Raine Series #1)

Free This Love of Mine (Raine Series #1) by Amanda Bennett

Book: This Love of Mine (Raine Series #1) by Amanda Bennett Read Free Book Online
Authors: Amanda Bennett
and then just up and
    Oh hell,
what was I even saying, it's not like he wanted to date me. We had one late
night conversation and I was getting all uppity about nothin'. But I would
however, ask him about it when I saw him today. I glanced back at my grandmamma
and realized that she said we had a lot to do today and I couldn't help but
wonder exactly what that entailed.
what are we doin' today? I promised my best girlfriend back home that I would
call her today and spend sometime talkin,' if that's okay." It was sorta
true, but Cami wasn't the reason I was asking to get away.
reckon you have nothin' more than what you have on to wear, so I figured we would
head into town and get ya some clothes. After that, you're as free as a bird.
Sound good?" She winked and I politely smiled in return.
    A little
while later, my grandmamma finally went to fetch me a pair of socks, which left
Lydia and I to our own devises. I never expected her to say what she did, but I
was grateful all the same.
a good boy and if given the chance, he will be good to you just the same."
    I wasn't
exactly sure where this was all coming from, but I could only assume that she
had either seen us talking or knew her grandson that well. "I'll keep that in mind." And then my grandmamma
appeared at my side.
    We said
our good-byes to Lydia and I promised to come by and see her regardless of how
busy I was. She told me that Harold was almost always gone workin' and that she
would enjoy the company. I watched as she made her way to her small pickup
truck and my grandmamma and I waved. I liked Lydia, and I think I was
definitely gonna like being in Texas, even though it would seem my favorite thing
about Texas would be gone soon.
two seemingly long hours of shopping with my dear old grandmamma, I was in
desperate need of a nap. I swear living here was going to turn me into an old
lady. As we made our way back to the truck from town, I caught sight of an all
too familiar face. Although I had only seen him at night, I was one hundred
percent positive it was him.
    He was
standing outside of the feed store, talking to some girl in one of the
sleaziest outfits I had ever seen. Her jean skirt was barely covering her ass,
and her cut off tank top was exposing more of her stomach then I would deem
necessary. I wasn't a prude by any means, but this girl just looked cheap and
desperate, apparently his type. Once I pulled my eyes away from the tramp that
was now touching him, I noticed just how handsome this cowboy really was.
my eyes were drawn his jeans that were slung low and tight in all the right
areas, emphasizing his delicious ass.   My eyes kept scanning up the rest of his
body just as his hand slid beneath his black V-neck shirt, exposing just enough
of his six pack to make my mouth water. His shirt clung to his sweat-ridden
torso and his large protruding biceps. His tattoos were more prominent in the
daylight and the sweat glistening in the sun only emphasized the color in the ink
that covered him.
    I licked
my bottom lip, just as my eyes caught sight of his face underneath that dirty
old baseball cap he always had on. Just as I was about to jump into the truck,
his eyes caught mine and I found myself unable to look away. His hand flew out
from under his shirt and waved in my direction. The girl he was talking to
didn't like this very much, and I could feel her death stare from across the
    I gave a
quick wave and bounded up into the truck with my grandmamma. Suddenly, I was
worried that maybe he forgot about our meeting up today. I guess I would find
out in half an hour.

    I was
trying to smile as politely as possible, as Taryn stood in front of me in all
her slutty glory. Unfortunately, her father owned the local feed store, which
meant she was always hangin' out there no matter what time of day.
and I had dated once upon a drunken night. She was the school and town slut and

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