The Price of Honor

Free The Price of Honor by Emilie Rose

Book: The Price of Honor by Emilie Rose Read Free Book Online
Authors: Emilie Rose
should he be unfortunate enough to stroll in. “That’s the least of my problems now. Hannah, he knows about the baby.”
    Surprise rounded Hannah’s eyes and mouth. “You told him?”
    â€œNo, he walked in on me this morning when I was getting out of the shower and…”
    â€œAnd…? Don’t leave me hanging.”
    â€œHe accused me of having an affair.”
    â€œThe bastard—”
    â€œThen he realized I wouldn’t cheat on him and said he wants his child. But not me.” Swallowing razor blades would have hurt less than saying the words.
    â€œOh, Megan, I’m sorry.”
    â€œHe offered to buy the baby.”
    â€œSonofabi—” Hannah bit off the curse and looked over her shoulder as if checking to see if any of the young riders were present. She looked livid, her face red and her fists clenched. “What are you going to do?”
    â€œI’m not selling my baby, and I’m not going to be his mistress until the wedding, that’s for sure. But beyond that I don’t know. I guess I have to wait for his next move.”
    â€œIt’s not like you to take a wait-and-see attitude. Let me play devil’s advocate. Do you still love him? Although I don’t know why you would after this. What a creep.”
    Megan had to bite her tongue to keep from springing to Xavier’s defense. He was being a creep right now. But leave it to logical Hannah to get straight to the point. Again.
    Aggravated with herself for not being able to crush her feelings for Xavier, Megan stubbed the toe of her boot into the tile floor. “Yes, I still love him. But I’ll get over that. Won’t I? I mean, how could I not with the idiotic way he’s acting?”
    Hannah’s expression turned sympathetic. “I wish I could guarantee that. But I can’t.”
    â€œWhat’s wrong with me? I shouldn’t have any trouble saying goodbye and good riddance to someone who wants to buy my baby like a black market special and use me to cheat on his fiancée.”
    Hannah crossed the room and wrapped an arm around Megan’s shoulders. “Megan, you are the most proactive and competitive person I know. You’re constantly thinking ahead and you never quit when you want something. Your ability to assess your opponent’s weaknesses and use them to defeat him is a skill I have always envied. And yet this time, you’re surrendering without a fight. Why is that?”
    â€œI’m not surrendering!”
    â€œI mean you’re not going after Xavier with anything near the ferocity you’d show to the rider ahead of you on the leaderboard. Why is that?”
    Hannah’s statement sobered Megan as effectively as a dunk in an icy pond. Why wasn’t she fighting harder? Other than her initial bid to seduce Xavier into acknowledgingtheir magic, she hadn’t tried to plot an alternative strategy. She always had a plan A, plan B and, when necessary, a plan C.
    â€œI guess competing on the Grand Prix circuit was never this…personal. There are always other horse shows and other chances for blue ribbons and prize purses. But this is my baby. Maybe the only shot at motherhood I’ll ever have.”
    â€œYou don’t know that. You’re only twenty-eight.”
    â€œI never planned to have children. Not with my career. And I’ve never been in love before. Not even close. I can’t believe I let myself fall for him. It’s not like I wasn’t warned that he never stayed long with any lover. He had a reputation as a ladies’ man before I met him. But when he was with me he never looked at another woman. And he made me feel…special.” She sighed and shoved a hand through her hair. “I thought we were perfect together.”
    â€œWhat makes you so sure you’re not? I’ve never heard you happier than when you talked about him. Don’t get me wrong. The man needs a

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