Wings of Deception

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Book: Wings of Deception by Pamela Carron Read Free Book Online
Authors: Pamela Carron
was unexpected. Jacks sat back against the soft cushions of the sofa. It was very comfortable and he caught himself wondering if one could take a good nap on it . G iving the woman in front of him a more detailed look , he reluctantly admir ed the wispy curls and the fine features of her face ... yes, a far cry from what he expected. Damn…..
    Honey was well aware of his scrutiny but remained poised.
    “Are you going to answer me? T ell me what charges exactly are being brought against the Bowlers . They are crazy with worry about their daughter . You are aware that Carol is not well ?”
    “I have that bit of information and that is why she is being held at the hospital here in town so she can be carefully monitored. ”
    His eyes narrowed and his face flushed in response to the prudent look she was giving him. He blocked his mind of the fact that he found this woman to be extremely attractive with a Gone With The Wind sort of voice. Concentrating on the business at hand he continued with a intensity that took Honey by surprise.
    “Let’s get some thing s straight here shall we? I would hate for you to think that the ACAA would not have the best interest of that child in mind. We are all about protecting young children who cannot protect themselves. The reason I am here , Miss Magill is because the child is in potential danger and we want very much to protect her.”
    Honey believed he was sincere but oh so wrong. She said hesitantly, “I am happy to hear that Mr . Jacks...”
    “ J ust Jacks , it is not a hard name to remember !”
    She wondered at his insistence but his name was not the important issue, Carol was, so she obliged him.
    “ Okay , Jacks. So we both have the best interest of the child at heart. You still have not explained to me what the parents have done that threatens her. ”
    Jacks rubbed his face and stood. For some reason he needed to move . Maybe it was leftover feelings from the night before but there was something pulling at him and he was not feeling quite himself. Maybe he was coming down with something. There was always junk going round at the offices. Whatever it was, it was making him feel odd. He shook it off and sat back down.
    “They are exploiting their child by taking her a round to people , claiming to be sent by Jesus. You know th e Jesus who is supposed to save the world, don’t you Miss Magill ? He is supposedly telling her things to say but the parents are most likely putting these things in her head and expecting monetary gain from the scam. T he kid has a brain tumor so she tells th e victims a fabricated story; one that will make people feel sorry for her because of the illness and they offer money . It’s a scam , simply to get money by using a sick child and that is called abuse. ” He was using his courtroom drama effect and it worked.
    Honey fell more than leaned back into her cushions. She thought , Dear Lord , this is why the Bowler’s were arrested ? They think Carol ’s ability to know things out of the ordinary is all a farce! Aloud she interrupted him , “You think they are scamming people for money? Nothing could be further from the truth! ”
    “We have evidence that they received money after one of the ir visits to a rather well off couple. There were witness es to this and that , my dear Miss Magill , is exploitation by any one’s standards. Th is little girl is being abused and it’s shame ful that parents would do this to their child . Now do you think you can be objective enough to accompany me to see her , so that I can ask her some important questions before the judge hears the case ?”
    He got back up and this time Honey rose too. She was sure there was an explanation for what someone may have observed as the Bowlers accepting money in exchange for a revelation from Carol. She was shaking her head from hearing the unexpected claim .
    “ I am bound by law Mr. Jacks , to be objective and though I stand firm on this , I can tell you one

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