Wings of Deception

Free Wings of Deception by Pamela Carron

Book: Wings of Deception by Pamela Carron Read Free Book Online
Authors: Pamela Carron
caused Tina to hurry with a fresh pot of coffee she knew he would be calling for . When she delivered it, h is grin was sheepish for he knew she was trying to avoid his bad temper . Without saying a word she returned to her work leaving him to get into better spirits. It was less than an hour later he called her.
    “ Tina ! That woman …. what’s her name from yesterday …. get her on the phone and kindly ask if she is in a working frame of mind today. I would like to meet with her . Preferably before noon, as I just got word that Judge Langley intends on hearing the case before the end of the day, so looks like I will have to spend the afternoon at the courthouse. And Tina, let me know as soon as you get something. It’s an hour’s drive there give or take. ”
    His sarcasm was not lost on the receptionist and she dialed the number to the clinic.
    “Yes, this is Jacks ’ office with the ACAA; we are still trying to contact Miss Magill regarding a child that is now a n ACAA case. Yes, I can wait. Thank you.”
    She shuffled some papers around and straightened her desk while waiting. When a voice on the other end said, “Hello, this is Honey Magill, how may I help you?”
    “Miss Magill, this is Jacks’ assistant , Tina , at the ACAA in Jackson. I called you yesterday, concerning the Bowler child ? Well, h e w ants to know if you have some time today when he can meet with you , the earlier the better . ”
    Honey was hoping this meant no hard feelings and said politely, “I am free if he can come a round eleven .”
    She waited while the receptionist was obviously repeating her words to someone.
    “That will be fine Miss Magill, he will see you then.”
    Honey went through the morning anxious for the meeting , hoping to shed some light on what was going on . Dwight called to let her know it would be the end of her session before the judge could hear the Bowler case. She planned to be at court in case she could be of help. Meanwhile , she was still anxious to hear what th e ACAA man had to say .
    At eleven Honey had cleared her office of the last patient and sent Betty off to an early lunch .
    It was close r to eleven thirty when the knock finally came and Honey was just about to give up and go for lunch .
    By the time she called out, “Come in,” the door was already open and she had a tall, rather lanky man standing in front of her desk.
    “ So y ou are the Magill ...lady ? ” It was not exactly what he had in mind to call her but she rather caught him off guard being just the opposite of what he pictured her to be. Regaining his composure he continued. “ I am J acks, from the ACAA.”
    She stood and they shook hands and she exuded her best professional manner . “I am Honey Magill.” She suggested, “ Won’t you come in here where we will be more comfortable, Mr . Jacks?” She started for the room where she normally saw patients.
    “ N o Mr. , just Jacks .” He said flatly as he followed her to her comfort zone where she sat and faced the sofa he p ositioned himself on.
    “I am sorry, Jacks is not your last name?”
    “No , it is my only name. But I am not here to discuss my name, I am here about a little girl we picked up yesterday evening and placed in protective custody. Carol Bowler . The reason we were trying to contact you yesterday was because I would like you to go over to the hospital and see her with me. It seems that she is very fragile mentally and I need someone in your field of expertise with me when I question her. ”
    “ I see . I will be happy to help anyway I can…Jacks… ” It was an unusual name . “ B ut you have to understand that I personally know this girl and her parents. ”
    “ You know these people? ”
    “ I do . As a matter of fact t hey are very good friends of mine. These are some good people we are talking about. May I ask you what is going on that the ACAA has gotten involved? Whatever could have happened for you to bring charges against the m ?”
    Th is

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