The Remote Seduction

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Book: The Remote Seduction by Joany Kane Read Free Book Online
Authors: Joany Kane
Sully finds the clip,
straightens it out and starts to pick the handcuff lock.
    In the alleyway…
    Walter and the two agents get in their
SUV.   That SUV backs down the
    Inside Sully and Katrina’s SUV…
    Sully has successfully picked the lock on
his handcuff and is now picking the other handcuff to free Katrina from the
handgrip.   Richard groans and
mumbles "hurry" through the duct tape as he stresses out in the front
    Inside Walter’s SUV…
    Walter, seated in front, holds the remote
pointed at the other SUV.   He looks
at the agents.   “How long should we
make them suffer with anticipation?” Walter shit-eaten grins.
    Inside Sully and Katrina’s SUV…
    Sully has successfully picked Katrina's
handcuff.   He immediately starts on
Richard's handcuff.   Sully looks at
Katrina, if this is it he wants her to know how he feels. “I love you now get
out now car!!”
    “No.   We need to all open our doors at the same time.   As soon as Walter sees one door open,
he'll detonate the bomb,” she points out.
    Inside Walter’s SUV…
    Walter watches the SUV, relishing the
moment, knowing that he's making Richard, Sully and Katrina suffer. Then he
sees the three doors open at the same time on the SUV.
    Walter quickly clicks on the remote to
detonate the bomb.
    Outside of Sully and Katrina’s SUV…
    Sully, Katrina and Richard are in the
process of jumping out of the car when…
    In Walter’s SUV…
    Walter activates the remote. “Sayonara,
Dick!”   Walter calls out.
    As he presses the button on the remote
the SUV blows up.   Walter's SUV!
    Outside of Sully and Katrina’s SUV…
    Sully, Katrina and Richard watch Walter's
SUV explode.
    Katrina smiles, thinking to herself
‘thank you, Felix,’ remembering when he said he was four moves ahead of his
    Richard violently kicks the SUV and
    “You're alive, Richard. What's with the
hissy fit?”   Sully asks as he
glares at Richard.
    “The remote is gone,” Katrina points out.
    Sully bends down and deactivates and
removes the bomb under the vehicle.  
    “Come on, we better get out of here,”
Richard orders.   The three of them
hop back into the SUV.


    The SUV pulls up to the front of the
Chick Lit Bookstore.
    Katrina gets out.   Sully hops out as well, hoping to talk
with her, plead with her, just be with her.
    Katrina looks at Sully and at Richard who
is in the driver's seat.   “Remember, I'm done.”
    “Katrina!” Sully pleads.
    “Good-bye,” she says with a cordial smile
and then turns her back on Sully.   Katrina enters the store and locks the door behind her. Sully watches,
helpless.   He turns to
Richard.   “You go on, I'm going to
take a walk.”
    “There will be a debriefing at oh eight
hundred,” Richard informs Sully.
    Sully slams the SUV door and heads down
the sidewalk.
    Richard watches the store for an extra
long moment and then drives down the block.


    It’s now four o’clock in the
morning.   In the Gothic manor…
    Felix sits in a leather chair by the
fire, sipping a cordial and reading Wuthering Heights.   Katrina enters the room.   A sexy, hopeful grin creeps into
Felix's expression as he senses Katrina's presence.
    He keeps his eyes on the fire, almost as
if he were nervous, first date, first time nervous.   “Bravo.   You
retrieved the remote and caught a traitor.”
    “You caught the traitor,” she points out
as she moves closer to Felix.   “That wasn't the only remote, was it?   You have one here, right in that basket.”
    Felix puts the book and cordial down and
stands up.   He faces Katrina.   There’s vulnerability and worry in his
expression.   “Is that the only
reason why you came back here?”
    The heat, the longing, the desire, the
love radiating from Felix touches her inner most being and flames every part of
her.   Her cheeks turn rose red as
her breathing shallows.   She can
barely manage a whisper. “When did you discover we

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