The Remote Seduction

Free The Remote Seduction by Joany Kane

Book: The Remote Seduction by Joany Kane Read Free Book Online
Authors: Joany Kane
    “It’s applicable.   When you retrieve the remote, and I
have every bit of confidence that you will, please note the location.   It was chosen in honor of someone who
is cherished above all else,” he says with great feeling.
    She stands.   “I better get going.”   Felix stands.   He so wants
to take her in his arms and kiss her, but he doesn’t want to do anything to
avert her focus, it is going to be tough getting the remote.   So instead he tenderly touches her
cheek.   Out of instinct and desire,
she moves into his touch as his finger strokes her cheek.   She closes her eyes relishing the
feeling and the moment.
    Moments later…
    Outside of the manor, Katrina walks down
the driveway.   This time instead of
climbing over the gate, she just opens it and walks through.   Katrina approaches the SUV and gets in.
    Inside the SUV…
    Richard looks at Katrina. “How did it
    “Easier than I anticipated,” Katrina
responds trying not to sound flushed.
    “Where to next?” He asks anxiously.
    “To the Museum of International Art,”
Katrina tells him.  


    The two SUVs drive past the museum - a
fairly modern building in the heart of the city - and turn the corner.   The vehicles park in a quiet alley
behind the museum.  
    Inside the SUV…
    Richard looks at the back of the museum.
“You're fucking kidding me.   The
remote is hidden somewhere inside that museum?”
    “On the third floor in the Edward
Harkness wing,” Katrina informs Richard.
    “So we have to break into a museum to
retrieve the remote?” Sully asks.
    “I do, yes. Which can be done, but not
easily. Felix designed the security system for this museum.   Each section of the museum has its own
security system.   I will have to
hack into each system, deactivate it and move on to the next system.   The problem will be that each system
reactivates itself after two minutes.   If I haven't successfully made it to the next security system before the
current security system reactivates itself, the whole place locks down and you
can expect to see the arrival of law enforcement officials.”   Katrina relates.
    “Why don’t we just wait until the museum
is open and get the damn thing in the morning,” Richard figures.
    “Because Felix has rigged the remote to
burn up if it’s not removed from its hiding spot by 4:00am,” Katrina tells
    “Since this is a federal building it will
be a federal crime,” Sully realizes.   He looks at Katrina. “I'm going with you. You're not doing this alone,
and you’re certainly not going down for this if it doesn’t work out.”
    “It’s going to work out,” Katrina states
with the utmost confidence.
    Sully and Katrina get out of their
SUV.   They approach the back
entrance of the museum.   Katrina
takes the index cards from her handheld case still hung over her shoulder.  
    She flips through her cheat sheet cards,
which are floor plans to the museum.   She reviews the cards and then puts them back into the case.   She removes her handheld and a short
cord with a magnetic power square on the end of it.
    “We have four systems to hack through
giving us sixteen minutes to get in, get the remote, get back out,” Katrina
tells Sully.
    “Let's do it,” Sully encourages.
    “You keep the time,” Katrina instructs
    Katrina sticks the power magnet at the
end of the cord onto the security panel next to the back door.   Time starts ticking.    Holding the handheld in one hand,
she types away with her right-hand, attempting to access this security system
and deactivating its alarm.
    “One minute to go.”
    Katrina's fingers fly over the small
keys.   The lights on the panel go
from red to green.   Deactivation
complete. The door opens automatically.   Sully and Katrina hurry in.
    Inside the museum…
    Sully and Katrina run to the security
panel next to the door leading into the heart of the museum. Katrina sticks the
magnet onto the panel and types

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