Night Show

Free Night Show by Richard Laymon

Book: Night Show by Richard Laymon Read Free Book Online
Authors: Richard Laymon
sighing at the luxury of her aching muscles. They were tight and vibrant from so much swimming and from the long love-making earlier in the afternoon. The feel of Jack was still inside her.
    Makes a lasting impression, she thought, and smiled.
    Then she stepped around the counter to fill the drinks. She was carrying ice cubes when the telephone rang. She dumped the cubes into the glasses, flinched as she wiped her cold hands on her sides, and hurried to the end of the bar. She grabbed the phone.
    ‘Hello, Danielle.’ The voice sounded young and ugly and almost familiar.
    It made her stomach tighten. ‘Yes?’
    ‘Do you know who this is?’
    ‘Not offhand,’ she said, wondering if he were an acquaintance trying to be funny. ‘Want to give me a clue?’
    ‘Last night,’ he whispered. In the pause, she heard him breathing. ‘The restaurant. The death buggy.’
    A cramp seized her stomach, and her legs went weak. She hunched over the counter, elbows bracing her. ‘Who . . . who are you?’
    ‘The Chill Master.’
    ‘I frighten people.’ He spoke slowly, as if savoring the menace in his voice. ‘I give them goosebumps. I make them wet their pants. I make them scream in terror.’
    ‘You make them hang up,’ Dani said, and hung up. She sagged off the bar top and crouched down, hugging her belly. The peal of the telephone jolted her. It rang again and again. She covered her ears. ‘Stop,’ she whispered.
    And then she saw herself as if from a distance, huddled down and cowering.
    Just what the Chill Master ordered.
    She suddenly felt abused. Anger shoved her fear aside. She stood up straight and picked up the phone. ‘Hello,’ she snapped.
    ‘Hello, Danielle.’
    ‘What do you want?’
    ‘Have I frightened you?’
    ‘Yes. Happy?’
    ‘Oh yes.’
    ‘Good. How about getting out of my life?’
    ‘But that’s the whole point, Danielle. I want into your life. How did you like my surprise?’
    ‘I don’t like anything about you.’
    ‘That’s not nice.’
    ‘I don’t like being attacked at dinner, and I don’t like being followed, and I don’t like being spied on . . .’
    ‘You’re beautiful naked.’
    ‘And you’re gonna be in big trouble if you don’t stop messing with me.’
    ‘You shouldn’t be mad, Danielle. You should be flattered that I chose you.’
    ‘I’m not.’
    ‘I could’ve chosen from so many others, you know. But I chose you .’
    ‘What are you talking about?’
    ‘I’m going to be your apprentice.’
    It all suddenly fell into place. ‘Last night . . . everything . . . it was your idea of an audition?’
    ‘Yes, yes, yes ! My way of introduction to the queen of horror makeup effects. Wasn’t I brilliant?’
    ‘Terrific,’ she muttered.
    ‘When do I start?’
    ‘Start what?’
    ‘Working with you. We’ll be wonderful together. We’ll set the world aflame!’
    ‘I already have an assistant.’
    ‘Fire him.’
    ‘Not hardly.’
    ‘But you admitted I scared you,’ he said, his voice rising.
    ‘That’s not the point.’
    ‘It is the point! I’m a genius! Nobody can frighten people like I can. I’m the Chill Master. You’ll be famous for discovering me.’
    ‘You don’t think I’m good enough ?’
    ‘I don’t need an assistant,’ she said.
    ‘You didn’t like my head?’
    ‘It was fine.’
    ‘It was great!’
    ‘Look, I have to go. I’m sorry I can’t help you.’
    ‘I want it back.’
    ‘Okay. Give me your address and I’ll mail it.’
    ‘I’ll come for it. Tonight.’
    ‘Scared?’ he asked. Then he hung up.
    Dani finished mixing the drinks, and carried them outside. The sight of Jack stirring the potatoes was comforting. He turned to accept his drink, and frowned. ‘What’s wrong?’
    ‘The telephone.’
    ‘I heard it ring.’
    She took a swallow of her vodka and tonic. ‘It was our friend from last night. He’s apparently a horror freak who wants to apprentice under

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