could this be moving too fast?
His fingers had just begun to tug at the back of my bra, searching for a way to get it open, when the doorbell rang.
I groaned. “Ignore it.”
He ran his fingers over my skull, playing with the fuzz that was slowly turning into something like hair.
“It might be the physical therapist. He said he was going to stop by sometime today to introduce himself and explain what he was going to be doing for you.”
“He can come back.”
Xander smiled, even as he slowly untangled his limbs from those of mine that still worked properly.
“That’s the Harley I know,” he said somewhat flippantly.
I liked it. I didn’t want him to censor himself anymore. I wanted him to treat me the way he would have the old Harley. And this was definitely a good start.
He disappeared into the entryway again. I heard the door open and a man’s voice demand, “Where is she?”
And then chaos exploded.
Chapter 12
I couldn’t believe she remembered the day I proposed!
For a minute there, the old Harley was back. I could see it in her eyes, the way she looked at me as she remembered that night. My Harley.
I knew it would work. I knew bringing her home and surrounding her with familiar things would bring her back. It took longer than I expected, but she was finally coming back. And soon, we could get back to the way things were. We could get on with the rest of our lives.
And then the doorbell rang.
I should have listened to her. I should have ignored it.
“Where is she?”
It was Harley’s parents.
“Dr. Alistair—”
“Get out of my way!”
He barged past me, Amanda looking at me with a mixture of anger and embarrassment. I just stepped back.
What would have been the point of trying to stop them?
“Dr. Alistair yelled up the stairs before continuing on to the sitting room. I followed, somewhat reluctantly. Amanda did the same, brushing past me when she caught sight of Harley on the couch.
“Harley,” she said, sitting beside her, her hands running over Harley’s head as though looking for physical evidence of the fractured skull.
“What have you done?” Dr. Alistair demanded, spinning around to confront me rather than go to his daughter as his wife had done. “Why didn’t you call us? Why did we have to hear secondhand about this?”
“I tried. But you were on your cruise and I didn’t want to upset Shelly and Charlie.”
“You could have contacted the cruise line. You could have called our attorney. You know he always knows how to contact us in an emergency.”
I shook my head, watching as Harley accepted a hug from her mother.
“You should have called.”
“I called the house and spoke to Shelly.”
Dr. Alistair slammed a finger into my chest. “And bringing her here? What the hell were you thinking? You had no right!”
“He’s my fiancé, Daddy,” Harley said.
“Is that what he told you?” Dr. Alistair asked, not bothering to look at his daughter. He was too busy staring at me. “Is that the lie he chose to tell?”
Confusion immediately blossomed on Harley’s face.
“But I remembered the day he proposed. It was really romantic. He rented out a restaurant—”
“We know, dear,” her mother said soothingly—in the same voice I imagined she used with the big animals in their veterinarian practice.
“I don’t understand.”
“He’s lying to you, Harley,” Dr. Alistair said. “He’s using your accident to take advantage of you. If you could remember everything that’s happened over the last couple of months—”
“But I can’t. I’ve got a type of amnesia.”
“We know,” Amanda said. “We spoke with your doctor.”
“How did you find out about all of this, anyway?” I asked. But I was pretty sure I already knew.
“Margaret. Margaret Wallace called us.”
I nodded, wondering briefly why it had taken her so long. It was just like Margaret to ruin everything for me. She’d done it so many times before;