Full Circle
shoulder, making sure Karma hadn’t snuck in behind
him. Still alone, he unzipped the flap and dug his hand into his
folded clothes until he found the light-blue Tiffany box with the
white silk bow around it.
    He pulled it out and checked over his
shoulder again. He’d made a promise to the universe that if Karma
came back to him, he’d fight for her and never leave her again. The
diamond engagement ring set in a filigreed, platinum band inside
the box was the culmination of that promise.
    He grabbed the clothes from his suitcase and
piled them into the middle drawer of the dresser before tucking the
box underneath a folded stack of briefs. He slid the drawer closed,
exhaling a breath of finality.
    He still wasn’t sure how he would propose,
but he knew in his heart that the perfect opportunity would present
itself sometime during their trip. By the time he and Karma
returned home, she would be wearing that ring. And for the second
time in his life—and hopefully the last—he’d be an engaged man.
    But there was more to this trip than just
proposing. A lot more.
    Quelling the sudden stir of panic in his
chest, he cleared his throat, took another deep breath, and left
the bedroom, ready to help his future wife make lunch.
    This would be a vacation neither of them
would ever forget.
    He just hoped it would be for all the right

Chapter 4
    Everyone comes with baggage. Find someone who loves
you enough to help you unpack.
    -Author Unknown
    They spent their first day in Saint Lucia lazing on
the deck, snuggling and dozing away the jet lag.
    On Saturday, Karma woke with the sun to find
Mark already up. As much as she was a morning person, he was even
    He entered the bedroom with two mugs in his
hands. Using his elbow, he brushed aside the filmy curtain hanging
around the bed then sat on the edge.
    “Good morning.” He extended one of the mugs
toward her. Tea, no doubt. He knew she didn’t drink coffee.
    She rubbed her eyes and sat up, letting the
comforter fall into her lap. “Good morning.” She took the tea and
blew over the top before taking a tentative sip.
    “Sleep well?” He sipped his coffee.
    “Mm-hm.” She stretched and glanced out the
window. “It wasn’t a dream. We’re really here.”
    He chuckled. “Yes, we’re really here.” He
brushed his fingers down her arm. “And we’re going to the Latille
Gardens today.”
    “The Latille Gardens? What’s that?” She took
another drink.
    Lifting his leg onto the bed, he shifted so
they faced one another. “Waterfalls, tropical flowers, breathtaking
scenery. You’ll love it.”
    “And you’re going to be my tour guide?”
    He leaned toward her, softly brushing the
backs of his fingers down the curve of her shoulder. “Yes. I’ll be
your tour guide.”
    “My sexy tour guide.” She dipped her face
into his hand as he cradled her cheek.
    They stared at each other for a long moment,
and then he gingerly kissed her.
    She melted just a little bit at his
    He kissed her again then stood and slid the
white see-through curtains back, officially welcoming the new day.
“Make sure you wear a bathing suit under your clothes.” He grinned
before disappearing into the bathroom.
    A moment later, the shower turned on.
    As she’d unpacked yesterday, she’d been
surprised to find a dozen new bikinis and bathing suits he’d bought
for her. Some of the suits were appropriate to wear in public, but
a couple were definitely meant for Mark’s eyes only. As in, they
looked like they would barely cover her naughty bits.
    She swung her legs off the bed, pattered
barefoot across the stone floor to the dresser, and selected a pair
of khaki capris, a T-shirt, and a full-coverage bikini in a
tropical print.
    After Mark showered, she took over in the
bathroom while he fixed breakfast.
    Once they’d eaten, they headed out for the
eastern side of the island, the sunroof open. Forty-eight hours
ago, she’d been huddled against the overcast

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