Dimmest Of Night (Dimmest Of Night Series)

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Book: Dimmest Of Night (Dimmest Of Night Series) by Jennifer Anderson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jennifer Anderson
should probably tell him that also.
    “Blane?” His arms still held tight around me, almost painfully. I didn’t care. Just as long as he didn’t crush any ribs, I was happy where I was at.
    “Although my abilities were mild, they came back briefly while you were injured. Any thoughts as to why?”
    “They did? Were you able to get anything from me?” Hoping she would say no.
    “Pain, a lot of pain.”
    Sighing and nodding his head. “My powers were not at their strongest. That is probably why you were able to pick it up from me. Now that my powers are almost completely back, they are more than likely acting as a shield again.”
    “I see.” Holding tight to his warm body, enjoying these few fleeting moments.
    “I did not hurt you did I?” The concern in his voice obvious.
    “No, it did not hurt. I was just worried about you.”
    “There is no need to worry Carma, it takes a lot to kill an angel. Even an earth bound one. Almost impossible.”
    “Almost impossible, is still to much in the possible range.”
    “Let me worry about things. Just stick to me and you’ll be fine.” He said as much to himself as he did to her.
    “Well then don’t leave me with pretty boy anymore.” I said grateful that he stuck his neck out, but he wasn’t Blane.
    His grip tightening, “Owe. What the hell.” I said rubbing my arms.
    “Sorry.” Loosening up his grip. “I forget how fragile you humans are sometimes. Why do you call him pretty boy? Are you that attracted to his looks?” His nerves now grinding.
    “Oh, no. No. No. Are you kidding? No.” I said stammering out my response.
    Smiling now, “Then why?”
    “It isn’t meant to be a compliment. He just dresses really nice, and seems like he puts in a lot of time in his looks. He is handsome don’t get me wrong. He just looks high maintenance. That, and I said it to annoy him.”
    “You think Gabriel is handsome?” His anger churning back up again.
    “Well yeah, he’s handsome. Not my type but, he is handsome. I’m sure all angels are beautiful.”
    Relaxing a bit, “Do you think I am handsome then?” Staring down at the top of her head, the strawberry scent still assaulting his senses.
    “Well, duh.” It wasn’t the most charming retort I could think of, but it was all I had.
    “Duh, usually means something is obvious. However, nothing is obvious with you Carma.” He countered.
    “Fine. You’re gorgeous. Geesh, you angels are a vain sort of group aren’t ya.” I said, my cheeks growing warm.
    He knew it was her defense mechanism, and didn’t take much mind in the compliment that was back handed with an insult.
    “Can’t we change the subject.” Suddenly uncomfortable in his arms.
    “Fine. When did you first know that you could tell when someone was lying?”
    This necessarily wasn’t the subject I had in mind. Sighing, “Well, soon after I acquired my empath abilities. I just knew. It didn’t make dating easy that’s for sure. Did you know most males lie in high school? Heck most lie out of high school for that matter.”
    “I didn’t attend high school, but yes I imagine most would.” Snickering.
    “I can’t tell if you ever lie. I don’t like it.” Looking up into his face.
    An eyebrow arching up at me now, “You could just ask me if I lie.”
    Laughing, “I wish it was that simple. Fine. Do you lie?”
    “I’m an angel. I have no reason to lie. If I don’t want someone to know something I just don’t tell them. If they ask and I don’t want them to know, I tell them that. I’m not concerned if it hurts feelings or not.”
    I could respect that. Being hurt by the truth is so much better than being hurt by lies. “You know I think I actually believe you.” A first for me.
    “Have I given you a reason not to?” He asked still holding me in his gaze.
    “There is your answer angel girl.” Smirking at me.
    “Are you going to tell me how you got hurt?”
    “I was in

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