her her mic.
    “One last song, Portland?“
    The crowd yells out their affirmation that
they want more, more, more.
    I look at the guys who just grin and nod
their heads.
    “One more song,“ I agree.

    “HOW DID YOU hide my mama?“ Lucy asks as she hugs
Regina tight. I'm about to answer her when some fans come barreling
    “Oh Jesse,“ the blonde one purrs, running her
hand over my chest. Her fake tits nearly falling out of her
skintight halter top, her pants obviously a size too small, her
makeup caked on, and her lips painted fire engine red. She's the
farthest thing from attractive as I've ever seen. Even with beer
goggles she'd be one I'd pass over.
    Her friend, a brunette, who is a little more
conservative with a tight Falling Down tank top and tight jeans,
starts rubbing her equally fake tits against my chest. Now her I
might have gone for.
    “What can I do for you ladies?“ I ask with a
    Blondie thrusts a CD at me. “Can you
autograph this for me? Pretty please?“ Her hand slides up over my
arm, up my biceps to my shoulder and she leans in so her breasts
press against my side.
    “Whoa,“ I hear Sera murmur.
    Xander groans. “And so it begins.“
    “Sure thing, darlin'. Who do I make this out
    “My name's Darla and my friend here is Cindy.
We'd be willing to share you if you're up for a little company,“
she bats her eyelashes.
    Her friend steps up and slides her hand over
my abs and down to my belt loop where she hooks her fingers. I sign
Darla's CD and hand it back to her.
    “What about you, sugar?“ I ask Cindy.
    She hands me a CD of her own and then asks me
to sign her chest, just above her breast so she can have it
tattooed. A bit aggressive but nothing I'm not used to.
    She hands me a Sharpie and I lean in to sign
where she points. She pulls her top down, exposing both her breasts
and I let out a chuckle.
    “There you go. Anything else I can do for
you?“ I ask.
    “Yeah,“ Cindy breathes, leaning against me,
her fingers unhooking from my belt loop to slide, palm down, over
my hip straight over my cock. I stifle a groan. I'm still hard from
Lucy's tight little body wrapped around mine. I need to shake these
two off, maybe pass them off to Xander or Ethan, so I can get my
wife alone. I've never needed anything more in my entire life than
I need to fuck my wife right now.
    Before I know what's happening, Lucy is
standing next to me, eyebrows raised as she eyes Cindy's hand on my
dick. Fucking hell. I'm just so used to their aggression that I
don't even pay it any attention anymore, but from the look on
Lucy's face I don't think she's all that amused.
    Lucy crosses her arms over her chest as Cindy
continues to rub her hand over my dick. It's doing nothing for me,
her hand rubbing me, but Lucy sees that I'm hard and, fuck, she
assumes it's because of this other girl. Shit. I've been hard since
Blush started their set tonight. God damn it. I don't think this is
going to go down very well.
    I know it for a fact when Regina Russo comes
marching up, mirroring Lucy's pose, arms crossed, eyebrows raised,
lips pressed in a thin line. The only difference is, Regina's toe
is tapping and the tips of her ears are red.
    I am so fucked and not in the way I'd hoped
to be.


    “A laugh, if purchased at
the expense of propriety, costs too much.“
    “OH, I DON'T fucking think so,“ I murmur. Just who do
these skanks think they are anyway? I stand next to Jesse, who is
doing nothing to deter this whore from rubbing her hand over his
dick which, by the way, is hard. Fucking bastard.
    I cross my arms over my chest. He chuckles at
this bitch and her friend who are rubbing all up on him. Just wow.
Seriously? I just accepted this dickwad's proposal? He's supposed
to be my husband and he's allowing this? Well, maybe I should allow
some of the male fans to give me the same attention. Hmm. That
actually sounds like a great idea.
    I turn and walk over to Sera, giving her the

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