The Last Revolution
If he ejected out here and somehow survived the hurricane, there was no way he’d live long enough to be found. If they even knew—or cared—where to look for him. As far they knew, he was the murderer; possibly the one that took the reactor. The wall was coming closer, the end was near. The winds were slowly sucking him in despite his attempts to pull away.
    Alden jammed the controls back into his gut and put every ounce of muscle he had into holding them there. Nothing happened for several moments. His arms started to shake, and he screamed out in anger. The craft was slowing turning over until he was completely inverted. The faintest hints of the ocean were visible above him. At that moment the nose edged to the right and began to break free. He leveled out. The jets that had been pursuing him were now directly in front.
    He brought the craft in behind the lead wingman. There wasn’t enough time to secure a lock so, adjusting for the winds, Alden pressed the trigger. The rocket fired off-course and was immediately sucked into the vortex, disappearing from sight. A quick flash deep inside the storm followed.
    The second rocket flew as straight as possible and slammed into the fighter’s wing. The jet spiraled out of control. The entire thing plummeted towards Earth as it left a thick smoke trail in its wake.
    “Eject! Eject!” Alden yelled.
    He tried to follow the trail of descent, but the smoldering craft disappeared into the clouds. Fidgeting in his seat, Alden searched for the other fighter. That wouldn’t happen to him. Unfortunately his moment of distraction had cost him the upper hand and now he was flying blind.
    The alarms went off once more. The other jet had used the confusion to pull in behind him and lock in his weapons. A tiny dot sped out from enemy indicator on the radar screen, incoming missile! Alden pushed the controls forward and to the left, evasive maneuvers. It streaked under his fighter and exploded a moment later. He blew through the fiery cloud. Moisture accumulated on his brow. That had been close, too close.
    They had finally moved beyond the inner hurricane and the horizon was suddenly taking shape. In the distance he could see land! He was almost there. Tracer bullets whizzed past in all directions. This guy just wouldn’t give up!
    He pulled into aloop but the enemy jet followed course. The other pilot wouldn’t be shaken so easily. Alden could feel the rhythm of the craft, blood and adrenaline surged through his veins. This was what he lived for. The fear and paralysis from earlier melted away and the joy of the moment took over. He gunned the controls and was pressed back into the seat as it accelerated.
    Now for the slip. He pressed to the right and flipped on the air brakes. It took all his strength to keep his face from slamming into the dash. To his disappointment, the other fighter followed suit and remained just behind him. Alden was jarred forward once more as a second round made contact. It sent bone-crushing vibrations through the cockpit. Come on, hold together just a little longer. Distant peaks came into view. The only way he’d be able to shake this guy would be through the cavernous valleys ahead.
    The fuel gauge made Alden’s stomach plummet. He was almost out. Several small islands appeared beneath him before he finally reached land. Safety, Alden thought, even as bullets continued to fly past. He was halfway over the pass when the proximity alarm went off for the last time, incoming missile. His jet was struggling, there was no way he could shake itagain. This was it. Alden pushed the controls forward and then slammed the ejection button. A fierce explosion sent him spiraling up into the air.
    The frozen wind lashed at his face. Sky, mountains and snow flew through his vision in rapid succession. He was tumbling without control or direction. It was impossible to tell which way he was supposed to be going or how far he’d already fallen. Had to give the other

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