Phoenix: Book One of The Stardust Series

Free Phoenix: Book One of The Stardust Series by Autumn Reed, Julia Clarke

Book: Phoenix: Book One of The Stardust Series by Autumn Reed, Julia Clarke Read Free Book Online
Authors: Autumn Reed, Julia Clarke
Knox will help you get around when you need to. We will have to get
you some crutches later.”
    Before I could respond,
Ethan pushed his chair back from the table and headed toward the sink to rinse
his dish. I didn’t realize he was leaving until he walked to the door, pausing
only to grab a brown leather satchel. “I’ll see you later. Play nice.” He
winked at me before closing the door behind him.
    I gulped, realizing I
was alone with Knox and Chase. Although I didn’t know Ethan well, I felt like I
knew him better than the other two. We finished our breakfast and Chase asked
if I would like to shower. I attempted to get up from the table but felt myself
falling back into the chair when my ankle refused to cooperate.
    Chase shot me a kind,
understanding smile and rose from his chair. “Here, allow me.” He pulled out my
chair and then held out his hand, palm up. I grasped his forearm, enjoying the
warmth of his skin under the golden blond hair and the lean muscles that flexed
in response to my touch. Once I was standing, he turned so we walked
side-by-side and shifted his weight to bear more of my own.
    I felt my cheeks redden
at the intimacy and looked toward the floor, letting my hair cover my face.
Closing the bathroom door behind him, I found that someone had laid out clean
clothes for me on the counter. Thinking back to day I met Chase at the library
and what he was wearing, I wondered if the olive-colored raglan shirt belonged
to him. With Ethan’s affinity for patterns, I would have been surprised if the
shirt and solid gray sweat pants were his.
    I also noted the
addition of conditioner and a comb. Hmm, was that a hint that my hair was a
mess? I showered quickly, then ran the comb through my hair and put on the
clothes. After walking around in Ethan’s boxers all day yesterday, I was happy
for the sweats even though I had to roll up the waist and hem to keep from
tripping on them. I unlocked the door, tentatively wondering what to expect for
the day.
    As soon as the door was
open, Chase was there to meet me. I felt his eyes glance over me and then
linger briefly before he quickly looked away. I blushed, wondering if I looked
even more ridiculous than I realized. He stepped beside me and attempted to
guide me as he had before, allowing me some space and letting me lean on his
    Although my shower had
been brief, standing for so long had taken its toll. I started to lose my
balance, and Chase reached a broad arm around me, supporting and warming me. He
drew my arm up around his shoulder, gently holding on to my waist as he helped
me hop across the room. Being so close to him was intoxicating.
    A couple of days ago, I
would have gone into shock at the contact. But, I could already feel myself
getting comfortable with these guys. Well, Chase and Ethan, at least. Chase
cleared his throat. “How about the couch so you can put your foot up?” I nodded
at his suggestion then quickly regretted it when I saw Knox already sitting on
the chair nearby.
    After I was settled on
the couch, Chase grabbed an ice pack from the freezer. Wrapping it in a towel,
he placed it carefully over my ankle. My stomach fluttered and I smiled
inwardly, reveling in how sweet and good-looking he was. I hated feeling
dependent on anyone, but if it had to be someone, Chase was definitely an
attractive option.
    Out of the corner of my
eye, I saw Knox thread his fingers through his hair, pulling it away from his
face. Too curious about him to resist, I turned my head to take a closer look.
At least a day’s worth of scruff covered his face; it was a slightly darker
color than his hair and created the illusion of a shadow. The V-neck T-shirt
left little to the imagination, revealing powerful chest muscles beneath its
thin fabric. The hint of a tattoo snaked down his formidable bicep. I couldn’t
make out the design and wished I could see the rest of it. I wonder if he
has any other tattoos?
    My cheeks started to
heat at the thought

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