Gideon [The Marujan Brothers Series] Book Two
Kyle shrugged from the bigger man's grip.
"See? I told you I know him." 
"What do you want?"
Kyle eyed the other two men timidly and then responded in a shy but
even tone. "I got a message from your...your brother."
Everything went still inside Gideon. Almost shoving the man aside,
he scooted him toward the corner of the room. "Go on."
"He said to tell you that he's gone to walk his friend home. And
you should go on. He'll catch up."
Gideon smiled inwardly. That means Faolan had indeed felt his
attempts at contact and read the energy around his signal. He was
going to bring Amanda and the Alexanders home and then join him on
his journey. Nodding his understanding, Gideon then quite
audaciously dismissed both Kyle and the guard from the room.
Malakai Baamel was on him before the door was even closed. Two firm
hands shoved him hard across the room, slamming him into the
adjacent wall. The room shook with as equal rage as the man had put
into that hit. Gideon's anger spiked and the strength of his
heightened mana stopped him sharply as he pivoted and ran towards
Malakai in superhuman speed. Catching the Malakai by the neck, he
slammed him up against the wall. It was no easy match for Malakai
advanced on him with equal force, fisting Gideon hard in the
stomach. Forcing back a wince, he inhaled sharply at the pain in
his gut and looked up at his enemy, currently straining from the
iron grip Gideon had around his neck. Both men pander heavily,
watching each other like predators eyeing their prey.
"You have some fucking nerve!" Malakai hissed. 
Gideon forced into a straight position, the pain in his abdomen
easing. "What the hell are you talking about?" 
Malakai slapped a firm hand over Gideon's, flexed his wrist and
plucked his fingers from his neck. Rubbing his aching skin, he
heaved and glared at him. "You should do well to remember that this
isn't Maruj and you do not order a fucking soul here." He stepped
into Gideon's space. "I do the dismissals...when necessary. Got
Letting out a sharp hiss between his teeth, Gideon turned from the
man, adjusting his jacket. "It's time to leave."
"Hey!" Malakai shouted, halting him in his movement towards the
front door. "I'm warning you, Maruj. Fuck with me and I'll fucking
kill you."
Gideon laughed humorlessly.
    "Well at least we're both
on the same page."
Nine Sweat beaded at his temples as he regarded the man attentively. His
mind was not where it was supposed to was in some distant
land. Baamel, he figured out after hours of mental searching. As
far as he could tell, though, his brothers were at no harm. He
could sense agitation and frustration around both their energies
but they were fine. He needn't worry too much now.
    Accepting the glass of
brandy, Noble Rally handed him, Hadaen nodded his thanks and sat
down on a comfy chair in the man's study. To say Hadaen was
surprised by the nobleman's invitation to visit would be a serious
understatement. He was appalled in fact, for he hadn't seen the man
face-to-face in years. Not since his affair with his daughter,
Sienna, had surfaced and Hadaen had washed his hands clean of the
devious wench. But still, that had been many years ago and he held
no grievances towards the Rally family, especially since Sienna had
helped them tremendously back at The Hub with training Amelia...and
fending off Deorci. Mind momentarily running on Amelia—and what she
would be doing at the moment--Hadaen returned his attention to
Noble Rally, who was relaxing rather awkwardly in a chair before
"I must say you caught me off guard with the invite," Hadaen said,
swirling his glass slowly.
Noble Rally chuckled and patted his rounded belly. "I thought it
was...strange to never invite my ruler over for a drink. Don't you
"Precisely, so." He looked down at the dark liquid in his glass and
then back at the man. "What's the occasion?"
"How is your wife, my lord?"
"Lovely as always." Hadaen sipped his drink.

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